thank you people. some of us are paying attention and not just throwing stuff out there with out knowing what they are talking about. Sony has never nor will they ever copy Microsoft. they have thier own agenda and business plan. we just get to see whose is better. personally i dont understand Microsoft sometimes, still no hd dvd support onboard, how can they expect to get the media they are backing to flourish if they are not helping the consumer get into it. Sony is trying to get something new started and i think they are doing it right. i never would have messed with blue ray if it werent for PS3 so i take my hat of to Sony for really bringing in the next generation.
u should be able to swap harddrives on the PS3 now, they have the backup utility in there now. but just look above: this was the gameplan since go."Sony has stated that upgrading the hard disk will be as simple as dropping a larger capacity 2.5" SATA notebook hard drive into the system. "not that it really matters but you can also play downloaded PS1 games on the PS3 now instead of just the PSP. also they have support for PS2 games that used the harddrive. i would like to ask the 360 users how they feel about Microsoft using the 360 for recording tv shows?
mattjr05 are you from another planet? where do you get your info from? seriously i would like to know. its only been five months how many exclusives would there be right now. ok devil may cry and maybe 2 others. you have interesting ideas and opinions but you are bugging with the posts. how old are you?
jdt3000 you make a good point. but it is more fun like this. as a fan of technology i like to hear what people think about products. but some cats just ask for it and you know who you are.
the hard drive was for downloadable content, not because microsoft did it. and if you recall the PS2 shipped with the harddrive already in mind they just wanted to see if there would be support so in all actuality sony was first to go there anyway. and FYI BlueRay is leading the market over HD DVD at the moment ( they have more studios supporting them) any more smoke you want blow or are you done yet. again i say to u do your research and get back to us.
u guys arent very good with sarcasm are you? i guess i wont do it anymore it seems to confuse you to the point of ridiculous rants so i digress. if the 360 boys cant come with anything better than this then what is the point of responding to you. i will continue to learn more and provide info for the folks that are interested in having real convos. and getsetgo you need not respond to anything i say anymore because you never really say anything anyway. go do some research and get back to us.
this one is for anyone who can answer this. if the Xbox 360 is so much better than the PS3 then why is MIcrosoft making a whole new system to TRY and compete with the PS3? and try to be serious with your answer no 3 yr old responses please.
regulatorzsol i dont know if you noticed but the PS3 didnt have a good launch its doing much better now. if people were paying those ridiculous ebay prices then obviously they were in high demand. and for the record the launch is over can we talk about something else like whats going on now with microsoft trying to catch up with Sony's gameplan ( a little thing called market strategies). so give it a rest you guys dont have any more ammo to fight with so you bring up old stuff now. stay current dog. and for mattjr05 your post was gay and extremely imature get a grip. in a year see were you are with your wii and 360.
jdt3000 you make a good point. lets hope they dont do that. it might just be for games like FF11 that was a pay per month subscription. we can noly wait and see. it seems that Sony is really listening to us and stepping up ther game. so much for them being arogant huh.
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