reeco411's comments

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Edited By reeco411

jdt3000 i wwas going to say the same thing you said at the end of your post. they will make updates for you guys down under. they are using the emulator software for you instaed of the old emotion engine chipset for the PS2 so it may be a little while for that. buty they say its supposed to bring the cost down. i think once you get yours you will have a great time with it, i know i did and still do. it is a great machine and it keeps getting better with each upgrade. hey sidenote did anybody else in here see the new sony HOME they are making for our online lobby. WOW is all i can say , excuse my language but it is sh*tting all over xbox live. peace gotta run

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Edited By reeco411

Samyyo1 it was just the topic of discussion for that moment. i myself have 15 games for my PS3 and aside from Icon i like them all. we used Oblivion to prove a point to the 360 fans. i personally havent seen any RPG nerds in this forum. anyway i agree the PS3 is heating up as i stated before and this holiday is going to be crazy. also side note: to all the 360 fanboys the PS3 hit 800,000 in europe already, so i guess they didnt like it either huh? lol your arguments are getting weaker and weaker as the PS3 picks up steam. pretty soon they wont have anything to complain about and then they will join us. we will win in the end believe it. still think the PS3 is a flop? lol

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Edited By reeco411

i cant wait for Ninja Gaiden Sigma OMFG it looks insane. i loved both versions on the Xbox and now they are giving me a new prettier version with new weapons and monsters and a new character. then there is MGS4 need i say more oh and lets not forget about Final Fantasy 13. three killer apps right around the fall against Halo 3 Sony has perfect timing to challenge the 360's saving software. man this holiday season is going to be crazy and you know who benefits the most, all of us cause we get everything if you have a Xbox or a PS3. we reap what they soe. i love it

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Edited By reeco411

getsetgo you are diehard and i must comend your loyalty. but how ever you look at it improvement is improvement. the only reason they gave it a 9.5 is because it is a year old. so that is not really saying the 360 version is better. in fact they state that it looks better and plays better on the PS3. but if your happy with your 360 which we all know you are then so be it. enjoy and we will enjoy our PS3s. let me know how shivering isles is i cant wait to try it out. peace

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Edited By reeco411

just like NBA Jam the PS3 is heating up!!! 360 riders watch out. if Halo 3 doesnt blow up what else are they gonna do. it will be interesting to see what happens this fall/winter. i went to a couple of other sites for more research and as far as oblivion goes everybody except for 2 xbox 360 users agree that the PS3 version looks better and is more stable ( load times alot quicker too). i read one post that says that the 360 version is jacked up to be honest but i think he was overexagerating. for the PC it depends on your systems build so we cant use those opinions. lets see what virtua fighter 5 looks like on the 360 ( out in june i think ) cause that game looks sick on the PS3. devil may cry is dropping on both together. we will have some real material for debate real soon. gotta boogie peace

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Edited By reeco411

getsetgo i agree with the point you made, if we all agreed what would be the point of having a forum. but i still think u guys are 360 fanbuys lol. peace

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Edited By reeco411

wow dog. straight up whats with the funny little graphics line in the distance on the 360 after that everything looks like mud. and the framerate drops alot on the 360 when you fight. come on man i ain't a hater but dude what are you looking at. i havent seen shivering isles though is that better?

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Edited By reeco411

personally i still cant see the difference in the graphics. its to small to tell if there even is that much of a difference. but i like more than just games, i like my movies, and my music and online gaming is just fine on the PS3. no lag or anything but the Xbox live community is cool i just wish it was free. the only game i can see a difference is Oblivion and i have to say the PS3 version wins that one hands down in graphics and performance. thats my game right now. i think i have to agree with the majority that it comes down to what you like. and yes i cant tell the future but following and understanding the trends of technology (which is a hobby of mine) i still think the 360 will be in trouble in about 2 to 3 years if they dont make some serious moves with there system.

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Edited By reeco411

getsetgo you obviously werent paying attention to what my point was. but to respond to your statement, the machine is only 5 months old what did you expect from the library so far. and just so you know i was being sarcastic about the whole "wrong" thing, in my opinion there is nothing wrong with it. i have 14 games for my PS3 and they are all good. how many good games do you have for your system? and you are right game systems are for gaming, thats why MS is turning the 360 in to a TiVo recorder right. we can do this all day. you havent responded to any real points . come up with something good to suprise me. lets have a real debate about this. holla back youngin P.S. zype2 i like your message, you actually get it. thanks

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Edited By reeco411

i just want one person to really explain what makes the 360 better than the PS3. the only thing "wrong" with the PS3 is the game library and that is growing pretty fast now. so what do you have left to fuss about ? what the price? ok lets get into that ; 360 is 399 with the harddrive correct? and the elite with HDMI cable is 479 correct? 20 dollars less than PS3 20 Gig right? now lets put in HD movie playback (add 199.99) for the 360, now battery packs for the controller ( lets say about 10-20 bucks). now lets get to the games 360 games 59.99 for a DVD-rom and PS3 games 59.99 for a Blueray rom (why is microsoft charging 10 dollars more for the same format as their old games). basically what i am saying is, to do the same thing that the PS3 does out of the box you will pay more for the 360 than the PS3 (599 60 Gig). MS tried to say it was for consumer choice, it is nothing more than nickle and dimeing you to death with so called extras and add-ons. MS is scrambling to catch Sony's vision and they cant, i mean come on its only been a year and they are already going back to the drawing board and making a new system to compete. do the math and stop riding MS's stuff. PS3 is only five months old and it is a monster. the system has legs to it will be around for a few, i think the 360 will be dead in 2 yrs. lets deal with the real instead of making crap up like the PS3 is a piece of crap and so on. i had one since day one and have no problems what so ever. i will stop now because i have to get back to work. you guys have fun and dont kill each other lol. peace