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Back for a while...

Well my friend hasnt turned up today to do her coursework so I have come on to say hi to everyone and update my page and union!:D So if you see me online over the last parts of the week you are not reapeat not seeing things.

Away for a week...

From tomorrow I wont be on Gamespot for a week as a friend of mine is coming over to do coursework on the PC. However over that week I will be spending my time working on speed runs for secret weapons over normandy and area 51. I know consindering how much I have writen in my blogs recently that this is a short post but I dont have a lot to say really. So see you soon!

Serenity beat star wars to top sci-fi movie? HOW?

My dad came in from work the over day and we started having a discussion about science fiction. Books, games, movies you name it. We both love science fiction. After a little whhile he started talking about a pol that was held around the uk and was featured in the metro paper. It was for the best sci-fi movie ever. At number 3 was the brilliant (and my dads faveoraite movie) Blade Runner. So at this I thought 'well at least its a decent poll then.' then to my absolute horror star wars had been knocked off top. It had come second! I could have screamed but I did not even bother. And what had come first you ask? A little movie called Serenity. 

 serenity poster

Well we had to give it a try so yesterday we went into town and bought a copy. It was only for a fiver so it wasnt a big hole in the funds. so we eagerly stuck it in the DVD player and we were unprepared for two hours of some of the worst sci-fi we have ever seen. It was all stuff nicked from other films. Zombies from resident evil, the sumuglers from star wars, god knows how much from minority report and there was even a samurai guy. He didnt wear armour but he wielded a sword and he had their kind of beliefs. It was absolute rubbish and in a way I cant blame fox for cancelling firefly if that was as bad as this. 3/10


Lifes a b**ch and so is medal of honour...

Life has been stuck pretty much the slow lane with the only adrenaline kicks i have had recently is winning the gamespot comp and getting head shots on MOH.:? My routine has been to wake up, have breakfast, morning gaming fix, check messages, do homework, afternoon gaming fix, update blog, have dinner, read and bed. It sounds like alot but spread that over a day and its not alot at all.:( It pretty depressing really and Im thinking about starting going out and about. It might even give me a healthy complexion rather than the spotty, pale one I have now. Anyway I think I should mention what im reading at the moment. Its called Non-stop (rather ironic considering what the blogs about) and its written by Brian Aldis. Im finding it rather hard to read but thats only because Ive never read anything quite like it. It is a good book. But I do have the urge to repeatedly go to philip K dick's short stories which I really enjoy.

I have started to play Medal of honour frontline recently on Hard mode for the first time (I only got up to medium before deciding to play something differant) and I got to say it is...well...hard. Sometimes I wish the AI on it wasnt so good as you can barely get the aiming reticule over them at times and they very rarely stay out in the open. Its a doddle upto clipping their wings (unless you are collecting gold stars on the way) but on the mission im on I cant help but yell "random expletives go here..." every time I kill someone. It scares me really because I have never done that at any game at all!!!:|

Anyway thanks for reading this random rant and I hope youre life is alot more exciting than mine!;)

Runner up in gamespot uk competition!!!

Ok you may not believe me when I tell the tale but it is 100% true. I was really bored around a week ago and I was listening to the UK gamespot podcast and they were holding a comp right at the end of the show. It was for a copy of FFXII and an action figure. I wasnt bothered with the figure but I know the game had got some brillitant reviews so I entered knowing that it would keep boredom at bay for a few minutes as I didnt know the answer and had to look it up. Well Ive just listened to the latest podcast and I was a runner up! If you dont believe me click here to listen to the podcast. If you dont have an hour to listen to it then skip to the end which is where they announce the winners to the competitions.

This is no april fools joke. Its 100% true.

New summer blockbuster trailers.

Everyone sees the cinema at least once in the summer. And this year the range of movies is amzing. From Pirates of the Caribbean 3 to The simpsons movie there is something for everyone. And today I have found 2, yes 2 new trailers and Im posting my finds here for you!

Spiderman 3

Pirates of  the caribbean 3

Its battle of the 3's so whether its venom grabbing spideys head or davy jones and Jack sparrow in a high speed sword fight on a sinking ship either or should whet youre appetite!


New Line Cinema bags the rights to Gears of War

New Line cinema has bought the rights to the very succesfull game, Gears of War. Stuart Beattie, script writer of the Tom Cruise movie collateral, has been hired to do the script.The Gears of war franchise is getting a sequel AND a movie.

CAA auctioned off a 21-page treatment by Beattie, reports Variety, with New Line getting the winning bid. The game, which has sold over 3 million units and is the most successful title on Microsoft's Xbox Live, is about a world called Sera that has been invaded by aliens called the Locust. A group of military types, led by one Marcus Fennix, battle the invaders for the sake of humankind.

"I'm not a gamer, but what blew me away about Gears was how it captures the mythology of a war mission and how high the stakes are," says Wyck Godfrey who is producing the film with partner Marty Bowen. The movie has been put down for a summer 2009 release date.

Featured Video: The trailer to the very succesfull xbox360 game, gears of war


Hot Fuzz!!! and the over the top ps3 advertisement campaign

I went to see hot fuzz yesterday and im glad I did!:D It was a very good movie with some brilliant acting, great storyline and some of the funniest and most shocking scenes you will ever see in a film. Its an action/comedy movie with londons top police officer being sent to serve in britains safest village. It has some really funny scenes (Have you ever fired youre gun in the air and said "ARGH!"?:lol: ) and a great over the top action sequence, but the range of weaponry and some rather dark seriously acted sequences give the movie that dark edge so dont expect another light hearted comedy like Shaun of the Dead. Its completely differant. 10/10

Also yesterday it was as if the town centre had been converted to wind me up! PS3 posters were everywhere trying to persuade me to split with £400+ for a games console!:evil: They were also selling the games before the console was even released! And when I finnaly got in the cinema thinking it a safe haven from the dreaded next gen consoles a trailer came on. At first it looked like a serious piece about WWII with a scene following and overhead shot of tanks and planes on a bombing run and then it showed its true meaning by cutting to a scene with 3-4 marines fighting this huge spider thing. Thats right it was a trailer for resistance fall of man. I nearly screamed! Admittedly the trailer was well put together but I dont want a ps3 and im not planning on going next gen for a good few years! Im sticking to my guns with ps2.

 Also new banner and Icon! Tell me what you think. Should I keep them or switch back to what they were before?

Featured video

The ratchet and clank 4 trailer. Want to know why its connected to this blog? Because its on ps3:cry:


Gameing frenzy!!!

I have got a few games over the past few days. Well a couple of games and a flight sim. Also some of my gaming news from other the past few days.


I have downloaded the shareware version of doom and the Jdoom add on package to see what the fuss is with this game and hopefully its going to be a great experiance!

Quake II:

I played the demo of the ps1 version at the age of 8 and I remember it being one of the best games I had ever played. I went into the charity shop yesterday and low and behold they had the PC version so I had to pick it up. It wont install on this pc though so I am waiting for my other pc to be repaired.

Microsoft flight Simualator 2000:

When in the charity shop my brother was litterally hugging this game and as it was a decent game this time around I just had to pick it up for him. Again having to wait for the other pc to be repaired though.

Metal Gear Solid 3:

Its probably one of the greatest games on earth and for the first time ever in an MGS game I am playing it on european extreme and doing very well. I have just got past the boss' defection this morning.

Also I have made a few new gamespacce banners.

POTC: At worlds end:

Doom 3:

Microsoft flight simulator 2000:

Featured video:


MikeHumphereys Metal Gear Bond is a great AMV using the Casino Royale theme tune. Enjoy!

Star Wars Force Unleashed info *may contain spoilers*

The toy range of the upcoming force unleashed includes a battle scarred Darth Vader.

I have been snooping around the internet for information on Star Wars force unleashed and have come up with some sweet info! First of all the game is being done by differant companies for the differant consoles so the end result will most likely be very differant.  For ps3 and xbox 360 Lucasarts, Industrial light and magic (the masters behind the special effects in the lord of the rings and star wars movies.) pixelux entertainment and naturalmotion will all be working on it together. The ps2 and psp version is being done by Krome Studios and the Nintendo DS version is being done by n-space inc. Unfortunately lucasarts announced that there will be no wii version and if there ever will be a wii game it will not be the lightsaber combat game everyones been anticipating (Soz guys).All the information and sneek previews so far have been for the next gen systems and I seriously recomend that when the psp, ps2 and nintendo ds previews are released to read through them as they will most likely be a very differant game. Also the merchandising is going to be HUGE! Action figures that include the jedi general general Kota and a battle scarred Darth Vader, a novel, a graphic novel and the tv series being said to be based on the game aswell and alot more merchandise to be announced! With the game having multiple endings the novel and comic that have been announced will obviously follow one ending singular ending so obviously if youre a big star wars fan like me and want to know the official storyline I suggest you pick up a copy when released in november. Also *spoiler alert* a plot leak has said that you will not be playing as vaders secret apprentice but a force sensitive person (maybe a youngling taken prisoner in episode 3) forced into service due to a special tab on his wrist. You will also have to fight the jedi Shaak Ti in force unleashed so expect other known jedi to appear. Also at the top of the page you will notice a picture of a battle scarred Vader. Does this suggest a battle with him at the end of the video game for youre freedom? Please note that most of these spoilers ARE just a speculation and probably not in the final plot.

Featured Video:

Sticking to the force unleashed theme todays featured video is the pre-vis video. Enjoy!
