Nobody, after this gen I am fed up with consoles and I plan on going PC next gen.znatorin a way, i can tottally see where u are coming from.
reviewninja's forum posts
I think it is kind of a meaningless phrase, especially when used to denote some gamers as being inferior or superior. The only possible meaning for me would be someone who keeps up with all the new game releases, plays a lot of games consistently, and has done so for years with no plan to change. Any requirement that they must be competative or play online etc to me is just kind of silly.albatrossdrumsu are correct, the whole phrase at times is used to make "hardcore gamers"(as in ppl who play mature-themed games) seem superior to ppl who play games as they please which is ludicrous. but all in all its an over-used phrase and not properly defined imo but at the same time other ppl have their opinions.
I believe a "hardcore gamer" can be described in many ways. But in my definition I consider it to be: Any person who play AND appreciates video games for what they are. Always willing to play any game just to give it a try. No hours of play time per week determine a hardcore gamer. No need to go to forums and talk about games you play (although it is fun to do). Just appreciate games in general. Yes that does classify those idiots who play only shooters and don't even consider playing another game and just down other games for not being shooters (95% of Halo 3 population).Iceman8012"Yes that does classify those idiots who play only shooters and don't even consider playing another game and just down other games for not being shooters (95% of Halo 3 population)" u are sooooo right! just cuz a game isnt a shooter doesnt mean it isnt good and like u said a true gamer will give all games a try, i know thats what i do. its just i was on xbox live and most of them were saying that to play the wii or PS3 u had to be a "noob" and that to be hardcore u have to play "hardcore" games(by that i guess they mean shooters . now i tottally disagree with that statement because IMO a hardcore gamer is someone who dedicates a decent amount of time to videogames as a whole and who will play any game from any genre as long as its good....for the most part i agree with u iceman8012.
I'd say hardcore gamers play multiple types of games, and not just stick to one. They don't just stick to one console and one genre, and when something new is offered they instead play Halo or Call of Duty. The end.monkeymoose5000agreed.
I think the whole debate is stupid and blown out of proportion. If you game a lot and it is your main hobby,you are "hardcore" regardless of games you play or acheivements. If you dont your not.
As for game genre,as long as its not shovelware that is also a dead argument. The guy who plays 8 hours a day every day,but only plays games like mario,link,ratchet and clank is a hell of a lot more hardcore than the guy who only plays once a week for a couple hours but happens to rank really high in halo.
Skill does not equal dedication,neither does genre.
Again,if its your main hobby,your hardcore,if its not your not. Its the diffrence between being a hardcore biker and someone who owns a motorcycle,brand dont matter there either.
u mattykovax are exactly RIGHT! and hands down u defined hardcore gaming. i completely agree with u.I'd say true hardcore gamers have to do something hardcore, like beating a lot of video games, camping out for a console, pulling an all nighter, speed-running, or beating a video game in another language.Video_Game_Kingyes. all of those things you listed were indeed some true hardcore gaming/gaming loyalty
I think Companies like Wii/Microsoft/PS3 take the term Hardcore-gamers more lightly than some of us *hardcore gamers* lil_zelda_dudewhat do you mean by that?
There isn't one single "face of the playstation" because unlike the console there's more exclusives on the PS lineage. That being said I like sackboy.PSdual_wielderwell-said. on top of that sackboy can be customized to be the helgasht,kratos,nariko,snake and almost every other playstation exclusive.
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