I don't disagree at all, I would love for the series to truly move onwards and onto powerfull hardware. I think if you look at what Toukiden has achieved recently it highlights how Monster Hunter has been allowed to simply rest on it's massive success and essentially stagnate, it's a cash cow for Capcom and unfortunately that's unlikely to change.
Toukiden 2 has really shown that the formula has massive room for expansion and innovation so let's hope Toukiden continues and begins to push Monster Hunter into doing the same.
Not only that but we generally only get half the releases over here in the west too, as in we usually only get the G versions. I'm guessing that too was simply because they don't want to waste resources localizing the games for poor sales.
Generations to my knowledge is the first time since Tri we didn't have to miss the mainline title and wait for a G version.
I was going to say the same thing, Monster Hunters target market is Japan and it's there that the majority of sales are seen, also it's main draw is in local social multiplayer gaming which handhelds achieve perfectly and PC and consoles fail to achieve.
We are lucky to get localisations at all over here with generally sub 900k sales so capcom are highly unlikely to target an audience anywhere outside of Japan, I would be very surprised to see a title on PS4 to be honest.
An intelligent comment, and I'm certain Nintendo will be actively developing switch games behind the scenes and using these ports to fill the development schedules.
And let's not forget we have confirmed releases of Dragon Quest and Xenoblade 2 happening, Pokemon team recruiting "Vita type" developers, E3 just around the corner.
Did Ninty rush Switch out the door before development of software for it could gain momentum, almost certainly, but by delaying Zelda into a launch title it's paid off for them big time in system sales.
Let's face facts nobody bought a Wii U and everyone bashed it constantly but those of us who aren't broke or reliant on parents and did actually pick one up will know there where some seriously good games on that system that nobody got to play.
Now that people are buying the Switch I see no reason why they shouldn't get to experience these games in an improved form on a handheld no less.
Risingdawn's comments