Now don't get me wrong, I do love risen and gothic, but the fact remains that they are generally terrible games. I might like this game too but I bet it will be crap.
It really should be brought up with the site somehow, it's not like I'm using some aging android device or anything but time and again I shy away from video articles simply because I know it's going to be a pain in the arse.
Cheers for the heads up though, I guess I will check out the YouTube channel, they should just divert to that from the site though I reckon.
The videos on this site are littteraly unwatchable. You get an advert that runs perfectly then the actual video buffers/never loads/constantly restarts.
I wanted to watch this to see if it actually has any similarity to paper Mario or whether the title was simply click bait but guess I'm shit out of luck.
I think you're in the minority though, I can only speak for myself but I can't say I've ever played for more than a few minutes with the 3D on.
Also seems like alot of 3DS games I've bought don't even use it at all, Dragon Quest VIII and Final Fantasy Explorers if I recall don't even have the option.
I can never decide if it makes games look better or not, Xenoblade for example I used to endlessly switch it on then off to get the best look, then I played the Wii version and thought jeez they gimped the 3DS version.
I personally think 3DS games look like shit and the faster they "switch" the better. I prefered the vita and Switch is much better than that. I hope it gets the level of 3rd party support as vita seeing as Sony gave up on it but we still got plenty of releases.
They seem to be mainly fan service titles to be honest, I played Hyrule Warriors a bit and I think I'd pick up Dragon Quest Heroes as it's said it strays from the generic formula somewhat.
But on the whole dynasty warriors etc etc just all seem a bit..palet swap maybe the right term, same shit different face.
I don't disagree in the slightest, I wish we could drop 3DS right now and start churning out some quality new titles with only Switch in mind.
I also agree that by hedging their bets Nintendo seriously run the risk of Switch running out of steam and dropping off in a similar fashion as Wii U.
But I also think they are onto a serious winner in Japan especially by covering their bases with cross play on Monster Hunter and that the titles will come eventually.
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