So many opinions on so little experience, none in most cases. Now I'm not a Pokemon fan, period, It's okay but it's always been an entry level RPG really.
And basically it's no different here, the catching mechanic alleviates much of the terrible grind of early games, the battles are intact with trainers and gyms, and look better than ever here.
And let's face it, it's a remake of the first Pokemon game, it looks great and it shifts focus from grinding to catching; it's reasonable amounts of fun, especially when compared to the grindy slogs of the Game Boy Advance versions.
It's not bad at all, but hey this is the internet so we don't need to actually try something before deciding we know everything about it do we, especially when it doesn't suit our pre-defined bias.
Said it before but if you can't hack this thing it's a total worthless waste of money. You'd be better off buying a USB adapter, USB drive and a Wii Pro Pad for your Snes Mini and playing your PSX games on that.
There is literally Zero point in locking down these retro consoles against piracy. You can't buy games for them anyway, and they don't take sales away from other devices games as everyone wants their games in one place.
These consoles run off nostalgia and novelty value. Enthusiasts will still use original models on CRT, hard-core gamers are only interested in new shiny AAA games and the few that do spare a second for retro games will still prefer them on their 'mega box'.
Just sell us the thing and let us mess about with it as much as we want. I'd never have bought a SNES mini if I couldn't have loaded it up with games.
Simply because it would require actually making a new game from the ground up and spending some money, that and ofc they've yet to figure out a way to micro-transaction the shit of an RTS so what's the point.
"We're going to keep going as long as people keep playing it and it shows no sign of slowing down,"
So, erm, pretty much like every other online only game ever then. The big question here is what exactly do we, the players, have to do to fund it.
Because they sure as hell ain't going to keep a game going off box price alone, they could, but we all know this is just another attempt to monetize the shit out of a franchise.
We realise AAA games on consoles and PC are getting a lot of flak for loot boxes and micro-transactions, so we looked at how mobile games can be as exploitative and monetized as our greedy little money grabbing hands can make them.
We're not in the business to respect and honour our fan base after all, we do this to make us much money as we can off the backs of stupid consumers, there's no better platform than mobile for that.
Not to mention here we get to outsource the project for peanuts, to a company to just reskin an existing product, then our ace team get to carve it all up and stick a price tag on absolutely anything we can to insure anyone who gives a damn about Diablo has to pay us an absurd amount of cash just to play it.
We understand the negative reaction, we just simply don't care, we already got the audiences cash, and there's plenty of dumb ass consumers out there to rip off. We don't want a fan base of serious gamers, we want 'casual payers, not loyal players' we want money, money and more money, and we don't want to spend any to get it.
Unless ofc you're a handheld player, in which case it's the best version out, that looks and plays considerably better than other handheld versions.
You do realise handheld is the main draw for switch yeah, handheld gaming has been massive since the gameboy, or are you one of those 'handheld doesn't matter' guys, because it invalidates your argument?
Wow I was sure Dark Cloud was a PS1 game and Chronicle 2 a PS2, strange how the mind plays tricks; they were definitley great games though.
Still a shame to see some real terrible games on here, and some truly legendary games missing. I mean why have Tekken 3 but not use Twisted Metal World Tour, why Destruction Derby when 2 was loads better.
All the decent games here are on PSN, and the majority are only worth 5 minutes of playtime to remind us how bad these initial 3D titles actually were.
Risingdawn's comments