They've been getting loans and advance loans and grants to fund the development, not spent the 200mil are you kidding me, even if they hadn't spent the lot yet they still have to repay the loans, they still have to actually finish something, pre-alpha, that's basically a tech demo. That's basically what a normal company brings to the table to begin funding development.
Just becasuse someone's getting ripped off more through another channel, doesn't make a lesser rip off less valid, they're both still ripoffs despite the magnitude.
And yes they can release as many ships as they want, in fact they have to, they have to endlessly release future content to entice more backers to pay to keep the development rolling, the bills getting paid.
But it's endless, it's an ever expanding bloat of features and content that doesn't get finished and increases development cost at each new avenue, that requires increasing funding to sustain.
But without a gold product to release upon the shelves the cost of development can only come from funding and loans, and a finished product can't be released to recoup the costs because there is no finished product to release.
The only reason it's sustainable at all is because they are not being questioned about financial viability by anyone educated enough to understand the importance of the economics of the model. The banks and money lenders are happy enough while their repayments are being kept up, not by the company but by the backers, but at the point the crowd funding can no longer sustain both loan repayments, wages and outgoings the system collapses under the weight of its own hollow shell.
But you get to fly your fancy looking ship around a vacuous empty unfinished game, and all for the low low price of $300. So you enjoy. Meanwhile I'll spend mine on something a little more financially tangible, like a half finished car.
Yeah because you never revealed how much you've spent for a pre-alpha product, so go on, enlighten me how much all those pre-alpha ships and moons have cost you so far, and tell me how it's going to be funded to gold standard release?
That sounds amazing, so it's got full mission structure, space stations, progression, trading, space battles the lot, and all at awesome performance.
You are one lucky guy, and I say one because nobody else is playing an even remotely playable finished product. But hey if your standards are that low who am I to argue, keep paying into the Roberts Retirement Fund.
Of course it does, if I go out and buy a used car for $10 it's a bargain, if I spend $1k it's a ripoff.
If I go buy a car, and only the window wipers, horn and gear stick work, but they promise I'll get a working engine sometime later, and I can buy some doors too if I want, well that makes me a complete idiot.
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