It was a sarcastic remark, highlighting the immediate entitlement at the expense of compassion apparant in today's culture, as such critical analysis of the perceived content not only completely misses the point, it also confirms the underlying message.
It was a sarcastic remark, highlighting the immediate entitlement at the expense of compassion apparant in today's culture, as such critical analysis of the perceived content not only completely misses the point, it also confirms the underlying message.
It was a sarcastic remark, highlighting the immediate entitlement at the expense of compassion apparant in today's culture, as such critical analysis of the perceived content not only completely misses the point, it also confirms the underlying message.
Yeah, you and everyone else who bought this game should go demand your money back from all those guys who've just lost their jobs, you definitley deserve the money more than they do, seeing as they've been selfishly laid off and not finished it.
Wow, I love Switch but seriously **** you Nintendo your online service is a complete joke.
It pisses me off enough that you can't cloud backup/restore on PS without a sub, but even they don't actually delete the bloody things, not to mention they work in all games too, and local backup is free out the gate.
Just because something is cheap, does not make it fine that it's shit. If two stores opened up on your street selling steaming hot turds, and one was cheaper than the other, you still ain't buying a turd with your paycheck.
Which is why I said "basically", implying that while there may be certain situations where this would be relevant, as in your case, it is on the whole non news as the majority of users would have gone the far less obtuse route of simply creating a US account on a seperate profile for out of region purchases, just like PS4, and still works the same.
"What you can no longer do say, is unlink an EU online account from your profile and link a US one."
So yeah, exactly what I said in a far less concise manner.
Risingdawn's comments