I was always hoping for this on Vita back after the X/X2 Remaster, sadly that never happened but now finally I get to play this handheld. Awesome news.
People are still defending that crap! I guess gamers just love to be finacialy exploited; what with their lootboxes, microtransactions and season passes. Nobody gets ripped off and praises shite like a gamer.
The humour puts me off, watching the trailer and it just felt a bit.. off, for a Predator film anyway.
But I shall reserve judgement until I've seen it anyway, can't say I've ever disliked any of the films so hopefully that will continue, I don't imagine liking it as much as the others though.
And one of the first things available to the hacking community was, drumrole, save backups! Maybe if Nintendo pulled their finger out their arse they wouldn't have such rampant console hacks in the first place.
At least Sony and Microsoft came out the gate with their online service up and running. They can at least (attempt) to justify it by saying, you know what these things cost money to maintain so here's your price and these are your features.
Nintendo are just saying, you know what we can't be bothered to figure out a proper online service at the moment so just pay us some bloody money or we're taking it away.
I love the Switch, but as a company Nintendo can just **** right off.
But ffs Nintendo are you seriously just taking the piss or what. Consistently knock the ball out the park on one swing; and yourself in the balls on the next.
This 'online service' is an absolute joke, how on God's earth are you seriously justifying giving people online access for 18 months for free, and then taking it away and locking it behind a freaking paywall.
Oh wow yeah we get some nes games, great, I'm sure I'll play those for all of 5 minutes when games like The Messenger and Dead Cells exist smh.
Oh and let's not forget that there are 'ways' of already backing up EVERY Switch game save, albeit locally and not cloud based but still.
No voice chat, selective cloud saves, shitty 'free games' and basically no transparency of information. The only reason anyone is going to pay for this is because they HAVE to if they want to enjoy the sane (keeping that typo, it's pretty apt) service they previously were.
That's not a service Nintendo, that's a ransom. And just because it's cheap doesn't exclude it from being an exploitative rip off.
This service should not exist, at the very least every title that has thus far been free to play online should remain free to play. And local save backups should be a feature of your OS not your fucking live service you money grabbing bastards, especially seeing how easy the bloody thing is to do.
I don't see a problem with that at all. I played Timesplitters 2 on a GC emulator recently and it was still bloody great. Timesplitters 2 was way back, and KoA wasn't the greatest of sellers, there's plenty of gamers out there that were either too young or missed these games first time round who will really enjoy a remaster.
There were just way too many side quests and zero incentive to do any, which was a real shame as amongst the 'kill 73 rabid squirels' were some great side stories. The game just never maintained the challenge needed to fill out the content on offer.
Even if you never touched crafting you became massively OP, it was a design flaw imo. This game was essentially a Diablo ARPG but never nailed the challenge escalation correctly. A shame really as if they had ramped the difficulty up with you it could have remained enjoyable long past the credits, unfortunately the game ceased to maintain the enjoyment of the first half/two thirds.
Risingdawn's comments