@timthegem PERFECTLY SAID! If I am not mistaken, Criterion once even said in interview they were very interested in making a new Road Rash game, because they were fans. I suppose EA never approved it.
They should have a HARDCORE difficulty mode called THIRD WORLD.
You have an unused area in your city? It will soon be overtaken by favelas and shantytowns. You can demolish them after a lenghty legal process, but people living there also vote, so your popularity goes down.
You can try to build popular houses or buildings, but your finances are always much shorter than what you need to service everyone that needs it. The poor population of your city spreads (procreates) fast and the demand for services grows, but since they are poor their taxes are too small to pay for what they need to improve in life.
I wish Fireaxis had gone (from the start) with the same system as the original XCOM, with random procedural maps that changed every time you played.
And with base defense where the base was JUST LIKE THE BASE you assembled.
Unfortunatelly, they decided for the vertical base "antfarm" system, so even if they wanted, there was no way to make a base defense where it is the base YOU assembled.
Tex Murphy games of the 90s were among the best adventure games I ever played. The fact they have FMV sequences or not and that there were crap FMV games in the 90s doesnt change the quality of Tex Murphy games.
just another day there was an article at Gamespot saying PC in 2000 was WAAAAAAAY behind consoles in graphical terms.
thanks to remind me of Re-Volt Danny, because not only it was an awesome game, but it also proves there were games BEFORE 2000 that already had better graphics than PS2 for example.
what? So the Nigerian prince who said I would have access to TitanfallĀ“s beta in exchange for giving him a small sum that he would repay as soon as he took control of his throne again... was actually lying?
the specs were dismissed later by Ubisoft technical director.
if those were really recommended specs for PC, either the game was INCREDIBLY non-otimized for PC or it would run on LOW settings on next-gen consoles.
rogerpenna's comments