@Carlo Prinzi there are already 8 thousand leechers and over 2,5 thousand seeders for the XBOX360 and PS3 versions of GTA5 on Piratebay alone.
Add to that the fact that unlike PCs, millions of console owners buy PIRATE DISCS at street vendors. That means each one of those 1000 seeders will probably generate at least 100 pirate discs that will be sold.
If you just took your time to check out the PC game sales through digital services like Steam, you would shut your mouth with this nonsense.
Forget the technical issues. Why are people complaining the game was "consolized" and supersimplified? I played Rome Total War 1. What are the huge differences in the campaign mode?
@billnye69 the holodeck concept is pathetic. I suggest a MATRIX kind of VR. Instead of projecting images in your eyes, how about throwing visual stimuly, as well as tact, temperature, etc, all directly into your BRAIN??
Like... REALLY FEEL that sword opening your belly and your guts spilling out!
@freedom01 there is no such thing as saying "Oculus Rift is for the PC". SONY could very well support Oculus Rift for the PS4. Its USB. Its a question of software compatibility. OCULUS VR team is certainly interested in making it available for all plataforms (including mobile plataforms!).
@eze_sl89 @rogerpenna @humanoid_K You mean I should learn english because of "the you"? Clearly a typo that resulted from writing a sentence, than deleting it and writing it another way... but I forgot to delete the "the". Boohoo, I forgot to delete a word, therefore I do not know the english language.
rogerpenna's comments