Also, its somewhat absurd to think PS2 graphics were so far ahead of PC in 2000 when in 2004 PC graphics were SO MUCH AHEAD of PS2 (Far Cry 1, Doom 3, Half Life 2). There was evolution on PC graphics from 2000 to 2004, but not SO MUCH as to say PC was FAR BEHIND in 2000 and FAR AHEAD in 2004.
Consoles had far surpassed anything available on the humble PC, by the time the PS2 arrived??? I never read so much nonsense on Gamespot before.
It´s usual for consoles to launch with better graphics, just to be again surpassed by PCs 1-2 years later.
But FAR SURPASSED is too strong of a term.
Some games from PC in the year 2000
Deus X
American McGee Alice
Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
Giants Citizen Kabuto
Project IGI
Thief 2
Tomb Raider 5
I am not talking about good games, I am talking about games with good graphics to the time, that were not behind most of the games being released to consoles at the time (and as we know, even though console hardware does not improve, as years pass, developers are able to pull out a little more juice from the same hardwares... back in 2000, they hadnt learned yet, so most console games were NOT much ahead of the ones I cited)
yeah, right. A kid that played Konami Soccer in 1985 and Sensible Soccer on the AMIGA.
The fact here is that you do not want to get out of your pre-conceived imbecile notions about PC gaming. You are the kid here. A console idiotic fanboy.
No, it´s wrong. I also talked about your own team IA. I play online and I play with friends too and PES is much more enjoyable that way. (although when I play with friends it´s usually coop so the adversary AI issues are there).
But I also like to play campaigns on Single Player. (like the whole Copa Libertadores). And the computer AI sucks, leaving me no option but to leave the single player game and play only online.
@Gamerhomer That´s pathetic. Console losers always with this bullshit of PC gamers pirating. Guess what? There are plenty of seeders and leechers for console gamers on Piratebay. And more than that: unlike PC games, all around the world, there is millions of people buying console pirated discs at street vendors.
I am not a FIFA player since FIFA 97. But I must say I have been terribly disappointed by the last PES versions, including the new one.
The IA is terrible. And I ALWAYS FELT PES Single Player IA opponents CHEAT to make the game more difficult.
You can make the game more difficult by having a GOOD IA that can play good football, OR you can make it more difficult by having the IA cheat.
Not only the IA´s opponent cheat, but your OWN team IA cheats so as to make the game irrealistically more difficult. Suddenly, you can´t SELECT the players you need to select to block a pass. Your defense commits imbecile mistakes no matter what you do. You are in control of a player but the IA decides it knows the best (usually worse in fact) so you FEEL the player struggling against your control. A ball 1 meter from a player and he doesnt notice it nor you can take control of it and go for the ball.
Its pathetic. No more PES for me. And since I dont care for EA either, no FIFA too.
I will stick for the real game AND Sensible Soccer.
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