@amelialyons: Thanks for the tip! You changed my life. 2 hours ago, when you posted that, I was living in my mom's basement. Now, only two hours later, my bank account is so swollen I am buying a penthouse in NY and a 300 foot yatch!
damn... Gamespot threw a 3 minute ad at me which I couldn´t skip... a whole clip from an awful nu-metal band called Conveyer... I need to watch a WHOLE music clip just so I can see a Gamespot video?
And what do I get? A 6 minutes video where they only mention a game after 6 minutes!
Braindead / Dead Alive is really awesome. Saw it over 15 years ago.
Love the part where Lionel is handfeeding a zombie who had his neck cut almost totally... so Lionel pulls the head backwards and puts the spoon with food directly on the zombie trachea
@domiddian: isn´t Canada the 51st US state? Cameron resides in the US since he was 17 years old. Where he was born is of no consequence in this matter.
And yes, it´s "their" system in the sense that the US is the ONLY country besides small Belize, Bahamas and Cayman, where Fahrenheit is the official temperature scale.
rogerpenna's comments