@solatron: free exploration devoid of any enemies! That´s my point. ONLY WHEN THERE IS A LOCKDOWN you face monsters.
in the old Doom, you explored around killing monsters and ONCE IN A WHILE there was a lockdown.
here an example... E1M6... you start killing monsters spread around the area while you go exploring. At 40:00 there is a lockdown area, but you were already facing monsters in a free to explore area before the first lockdown area.
@solatron: no, the original Doom had much more free exploration, where you could come and go. Yes, sometimes areas would LOCK DOWN and only unlock after you killed all enemies. However, these were special parts... you roamed around killing monsters, then suddenly, UNEXPECTEDLY you would enter an area, or push a button, that would trigger a lock down event where you had to kill tons of monsters.
In the new Doom, the ENTIRE GAME is lock down areas. You roam around a DESERTED base, with no monsters, and you already know you will soon reach a lock down area, kills dozens of monsters, rinse and repeat.
I have started to play it recently but I am already disappointed.
What? The game is not fluid. It´s full of areas that "close" and you have to clear of monsters that keep spawning in order to move on. Reviews should have been clearer on that combat mechanics.
Well... the fact Palmer Luckey was home-schooled always stroke me as odd. Next, we will discover he is funding the Creationist Museum and believes in a 6000 year old universe and on Flat Earth. And obviously, that vaccines are evil and created by the Illuminati for mind controlling us!
@Gelugon_baat:I twitted the developers and asked the reason for using Portuguese. Let's see what they answer.
Btw, they used a guy who apparently speaks portuguese (they mentioned he appears on the credits) to help them. Surname sounds portuguese. But first name is Juan (spanish... portuguese would be João). That might explain some unusual choices of translation haha.
ps: they answered me on Twitter. They said they never read the second Ender's Game book. They just like Portugal, that's what they said.
@Gelugon_baat: confirmed by devs on Steam forums that it´s portuguese, whole lore of the colony is about it being settled by portuguese speakers "
We're actually from the midwest in the US :)
The Portuguese language and culture was an interesting and little used point of departure for helping creat the game setting. For the official "LORE" explanation, the vast majority of settlers on the original Novo Solo colony ships either were or spoke Portuguese. That heritage became diluted somewhat by future settlers and trade prior to GREAT LEADER building the orbital defense batteries and closing off the planet a la 17th century Japan."
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