@abHS4L88 @roosteraxe1 You're blindly clinging to this idea that Nintendo shouldn't try anything new. Even with Fire Emblem, that was an established franchise. It still didn't get many commercials. I did see a lot of magazine ads, but Mario Party 9 got way more hype and was definitely not as good of a game. I'm not saying Nintendo needs to give up on their main franchises, I'm just saying they need some new blood or they might have a Dreamcast on their hands. The Wii killed all the other systems in sales, but bombed in software. The majority of games worth having were Nintendo's main 1st party games. People with a ton of crappy Wii games taking up space don't want to make the same mistake again. I know I don't. I can't give away most of my kid's old Wii games.
@abHS4L88 @roosteraxe1 I think you're missing the point. The rare times Nintendo does release something without Mario, Zelda or Metroid (just because they don't release that many Metroid games doesn't mean Samus doesn't guest star in all manner of games), they don't hype it up like they would Mario Urinal Cleaner 14. I understand standing behind what works, but just like every other publisher in gaming now, Nintendo's hooked on sequelitus. Hence, I haven't even considered a WiiU. Nor have most people from the sound of it. This is the same thing they did with the last 3 consoles. After all the shovelware on the Wii, I think people are finally starting to get it. Add to that the fact that WiiU is only slightly more powerful than current 8-year old consoles and you have Nintendo in need of something new.
Hmm...and they wonder why the WiiU isn't doing so well. Nintendo hasn't attempted anything new and innovative since the Gamecube. I'm not talking about motion controls by the way. I'm referring to actualy games. Slapping new ideas onto existing games is a given, but one can only play so many Mario, Metroid and Zelda games before he gets burned out on the series. Resting on the names of Mario & company alone is a poor way to stay in the game. Nintendo's slowing fading and that makes me kind of sad. I've been playing Nintendo games since the 80s. Unfortunately, it's the same dang games they're making now! Gotta learn to balance new IP and existing better.
Of course, once the rest of the world experiences a massive increase in random anal probing, I'm sure we'll all be wishing we had Australia's parental governing to prevent such extreme discomfort.
Way to guaranty every teen with credit card access and internet is going to import this game Australia. Nothing boosts sales like telling people they can't have something. You just gave Volition massive free advertising. I love when governments try to dictate what people can and cannot do. It's a surefire way to get them to do whatever you're against. Way to treat you citizens like 5-year olds. Instead of letting them make their own decisions. Like grown-ups. Of course our government in the U.S. is constantly trying to do the same thing. That pesky Constitution keeps getting in the way though.
This article is taking the entire reddit interview out of context. Honestly this shouldn't be a news story. The interview was just a Q&A in which Ellen happened to be asked about her thoughts about TLOU. She gave her opinion on it. She was trying to promote Beyond and I'm sure whatever else she may be doing, not attack Naughty Dog. As of the interview, there are no law suits planned. In fact, she'd be suing her employers since Sony is als making the game she's working on.Relax folks. It's just an opinion.
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