@Sora278 @KingTrax999 Mine died and the replacements kept dying as well. Once that warranty was up they could've cared less. No offer to send my broken one for money off on a slim, no apologies, just "give us $99 and we'll send you another defective model that'll break a week after the new warranty"
@Andyf1ghter @roosteraxe1 I agree. There are plenty of things I don't like about Xbone, but those are all my personal opinions and experiences with Microsoft in general. While I don't see these things as necessary, I don't see anything wrong with them either
@yourdem1ze Xbox Live got hacked too. And unlike PSN the hackers DID get credit card information. The main difference is that Microsoft kept it mostly out of the public eye and were able to fix the breach without shutting the network down
@Andyf1ghter It's not a bad thing. It's just a very unnecessary thing. Chances are you already have a cable box that does the same thing. And a controller that controls your tv. It's not bad at all to combine them in your Xbox, but it's trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist and that's why so many are against it
This cracks me up! Trying to act like they're reversing these ridiculous poilcies due to customer feedback and acting like they care is such a joke. Running around for weeks essentially telling people if they don't like these policies to stfu and buy a Xbone anyway, then saying if you don't like it to buy a 360! Ooops. Once potential custmers started voting with their money on pre-orders and you realized that the Xbox name alone wasn't going to win fans over, THEN you change your mind and try to act like it was all a misunderstanding. Honestly, they HAD to change these retarded policies or their sales would've plumetted compared to the 360. I don't respect them for that. That's business. Trying to act like they're doing it to make people happy is a joke though. Any business would play it off that way, but when you've publically alienated the people who were against these policies, it's hard to turn around and say "this is for you guys, thanks for the feedback". The reality is that they didn't realize so many people were going to go with Sony because of this. Once the numbers showed just how much business they'd lose if they stubbornly stuck with it, the choice became sink or swim.
@Commander_Snowy I was kinda worried about that. It's good to know services like Netflix will still be accessable without being a PS+ member. Score yet another one for Sony. Still, PS+ is a pretty good deal, I'm hoping that by making it mandatory for online gaming, they'll improve peformance in that department while still offering awesome deals and freebies to members.
@RedLegZeff Of course they're greedy jerks too. They're a billion dollar corporation. They're just smart enough to draw the line and remember that it's the consumers buying their consoles that helped them become such a huge money-maker. If you screw your customers, they're gonna go somewhere else. Microsoft's gonna learn that the hard way
roosteraxe1's comments