Ps1 phat, ps2 phat and MSG4bundle80gb ps3 and 40gbPs3 are all still running perfectly.
Had no problem with them (only the ps1 controller and memory card imput that had a bad connection sometimes)
Ps1 phat, ps2 phat and MSG4bundle80gb ps3 and 40gbPs3 are all still running perfectly.
Had no problem with them (only the ps1 controller and memory card imput that had a bad connection sometimes)
resident evil 1-3 silent hill crash 1-3 crash team racing spyro 1-3 croc 1 and 2 medievil 1 and 2 parasite eve vagrant story megaman x4 x5 x6 megaman legends 1 and 2 megaman 8 final fantasy tactics tomba 1 and 2 breath of fire 4 legend of dragoon castlevania symphony of the night grandia metal gear solid tony hawk 1 and 2 street fighter alpha 3 marvel vs capcom theirs so many games for ps1 i could go on foreverspliffstar12
It has to be games avaible on PSN.
He can download ad-hoc party on the Ps3, which would make every ad-hoc compatible game avaible to wordwide online play.
(europe psn already has ad-hoc party)
Stop the comparision of console graphics with PC games, it is nonsense.
Any PC game can have graphics that a console wouldn't be able to replicate. Even half-life 2 can have graphics that would make consoles fry if they tried to replicate at the same level.
Half-life 2 ,a 2004 game, if was running on a PC with maximum quality, 16AA,16AF , on a monitor with 2560 x 1600 pixels with 120 framerate per second would be something that graphically and technically no console would be able to replicate.
Because the power of PCs are limitless, since they as a platform can evolve indefinitely, and because games can be scaled upwards the PCs OPTIMAL TECHNICALL performace will never be achieved by any console.
There is no logic in comparing consoles to PC, imagine lens of truth comparing a game like MW2 on a console (600p, 4AA,60fps) agaisnt MW2 (2560 x 1600, 16AA, 100+fps)
If there was a ps3 emulator software available at the moment, the ETHUSIASTS HIGH END PCs would already have the raw power to emulate Uncharted 2. We haven't seen Uncharted 2 running on a PC simply because making the software emulator is the hardest part, especially because of that damn CELL architeture and because no one is really interest in doing a emulator right now.
Orange box on PC is superb.
Loved team fortress 2. One of my favorite shooter ever.
The most fun I had online or was in TF2 or L4D2
yea... i suppose it's better one huge hype thread than a bunch of them :P[QUOTE="IronstaunchB"]
I kinda understand where you're coming from. But would you rather have one main thread you can ignore or have a new one pop up every week or so? Unless you're suggesting that we stay away from all DS2 discussion until the thing is publicly unveiled?
but my point is still valid, that syndicate thing is fake. you can notice the bad rendering on the upper part of the "thing", the incompatible lighting, and most important, the fact that they said the touch screen is bad.
so 5 years making touch screens and nintendo actually gets worse at it?
EDIT: and a new mistake: they condradict themselves. first, they mention there's absolutely no port on the thing, not even for the charger. later they mention a "mini USB" port
You got all wrong... they said no cartridge slot, which would mean only that the item has an hard-drive or solid state drive built in with digital download only.
The said the touchscreen is awfull because is a prototpe... they commenting on how the prototype is at this point, not how Nintendo plans the new DS2 to be.
The touchscreen probably doesn't have a custom made driver made especifically for this new type of screen and hardware.
Star fox 64 has voice acting, when Slippy says he thought they had him. Mario Galaxy has CG, but not really voice acting, maybe beeps that represent character voices.uyiop0t
Extensive means a lot... Star fox 63 surely didnt't had enough to be called extensive... lol
Mario Galaxy is another one that can't be called for EXTENSIVE CG.
It's called.
Super Mario Sunshine
Dude the intro consists basically of IN-GAME SCENES... using the engine to render the scenes... It does look good, but not even close to CG.
And the voice acting is non=exixtant... there very little voice in the game. Just watch after the intro mario talking to peach, she babbles in a Sims like language and the text above appear for you to read. TEXT.. no voice acting.
it still doesnt answer the question could i do 3d on any tv thats 120hz+.....if the ps3 is capable of 3d does the tv need to be capable also?stereointegrity
You will not be able to do 3d.
You 120Hz isn't the same as the 3D tvs 120Hz, your TV receives 60hz and only outputs 120HZ to give a sense ofmotion blur... the 3D TVs receives 120HZ.. is a different tech.
I am in the same boat as you and can say there is no 3D in this boat.
Why? Why does it need those things at all?
Agree completly... Nintendo games apparently can have those tho because of some crazy nostalgia vodoo it has, since apparently no one is bothered in Nintendo games... but demand voice acting on all others games.
Well, to be honest, I don't like either in my games.
CGI cut scene's pull you out of the game. They rip the controller from your hands and make you watch instead of play. The jarring difference between CGI and gameplay can be really off putting and kill any immersion the game might had. Things are getting better though. It's hard to tell the difference between CGI and gameplay in FF13. It still takes control away from me though...
Voice acting is God awful in video games. It's even worse than anime's voice acting. Until developers and publishers are willing to put out the cash for real talent, voice acting in games will always be a negative. No voice acting is better than bad voice acting. It doesn't help that video games are by far the weakest medium for story telling and are almost always very porly written.
Voice acting is already as good as CG movies voice acting in the AAA titles.
This year alone lineup proves that:
UNCHARTED 2(better voice acting than uncharted is almost impossible)
Killzone 2
Resident Evil 5
Unless you only have a wii and dont know what is quality voice acting.
Even games considered avarege like HEAVENLY SWORD had amazing voice acting.
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