I HIGHLY doubt that the PS3 will support said 3D but it can, has and will be done better. Mitsubishi having the coolest technology yet as the tv acts more as a portal that you can look through.
Here is the Phillips tv. And there are MANY others. Simply google "3d tv without glasses". BTW they are ALL expensive, but if you think 3D is simply a fad that's going to die, you'd be wrong. I think we'll be gaming on 3D displays that wrap arounds you LONG before we start seeing virtual reality...And BTW for all the 3D haters because you need glasses...VR will not only require Glasses but a true VR experience would have stuff placed all over your body to try to simulate pain in some form, be it a tiny shock or pin prick...whatever.
Sorry, I just needed to post this after seeing all the ignorant comments about 3D in the last couple topics.
Wow PS3 fanboys are the biggest hypocrites, remember when you guys always bashed the Wii for being gimmicky since it used motion controls?
The bash was for unprecise and bad motion control being tacked on games withouth enhancing the gamers control in any way. Even Nintendo recognized how unprecise was their motion control since they had to introduce the Motion PLus ++ for the minimal improvement and the support for Gamecube and ****c controller the core gamers that bought a wii demanded.
They didn't bashed the idea, but the implementation of the idea with a half-assed technology in outdated processing unit that only appealed to casual since the unpreciseness of the control paved the way for easier games and waggle parties. The only precise and meninfull implementation appeared when using the wiimote as a pointer, a technology avaible long ago with the gun controls.
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