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#1 ropumar
Member since 2005 • 1135 Posts


I HIGHLY doubt that the PS3 will support said 3D but it can, has and will be done better. Mitsubishi having the coolest technology yet as the tv acts more as a portal that you can look through.

Here is the Phillips tv. And there are MANY others. Simply google "3d tv without glasses". BTW they are ALL expensive, but if you think 3D is simply a fad that's going to die, you'd be wrong. I think we'll be gaming on 3D displays that wrap arounds you LONG before we start seeing virtual reality...And BTW for all the 3D haters because you need glasses...VR will not only require Glasses but a true VR experience would have stuff placed all over your body to try to simulate pain in some form, be it a tiny shock or pin prick...whatever.

Sorry, I just needed to post this after seeing all the ignorant comments about 3D in the last couple topics.


Wow PS3 fanboys are the biggest hypocrites, remember when you guys always bashed the Wii for being gimmicky since it used motion controls?

The bash was for unprecise and bad motion control being tacked on games withouth enhancing the gamers control in any way. Even Nintendo recognized how unprecise was their motion control since they had to introduce the Motion PLus ++ for the minimal improvement and the support for Gamecube and ****c controller the core gamers that bought a wii demanded.

They didn't bashed the idea, but the implementation of the idea with a half-assed technology in outdated processing unit that only appealed to casual since the unpreciseness of the control paved the way for easier games and waggle parties. The only precise and meninfull implementation appeared when using the wiimote as a pointer, a technology avaible long ago with the gun controls.

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#2 ropumar
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MMORPGs in consoles have been desire of publishers and console manufactures for sometime, there was multiple attempts of implementing but only one successful, the FFXI back on the Ps2.

This generation where Online is bigger, easier and where the big 2 (Sony and Microsoft) have great online support in place there has been no MMORPG for consoles that leaved paper.... yet (excluding FFXI and Phantasy Star Online since they are ports from last gen).


Microsoft was eager to dominate this market... early at the generation started planning for the MARVEL MMMORPG. The Marvel MMORPG never came to a reality and canceled without much explanation or even details.

The hope for Microsoft now went for the Age of Conan, a game which showed amazing promise, had the best graphics, was one of the few mature themed, had big budget and thus the plan for a launch on the 360 after the PC release would be a great victory for the 360. Would have... but the PC launch was plagued by so many problems that a PORT became improbable to say the least, even if it is as of today not canceled.

After these failed promises ... the hope continued only as promise of PC developers to eventually bring their upcoming launch to the 360 after the PC. Champions Online, Star Trek Online and lots of other promises are the only hotpe for the 360, promises from experience that might never be fulfilled.


Sony on the other hand is taking a more hands on approach, is itself planning 3 MMORPG for the Ps3. The agency, Free Realms and DC Universe all with firm announcements for Ps3 and each with a very diferent appeal. But the question remains... will the games eventually get to the consoles of will stay at the PC as it seems is the trend.

Sony was also able to get a exclusivity contract for 10years with the BIGGEST PUBLISHER of MMORPGs, NCSOFT. Even if my dreams of seeing Guild wars 2, Lineage 3 and Blade Soul to eventually be finished and brought to Ps3 this seem unlikely to happen. Sony at least secured that they wouldn't go the 360 way. Perhaps their only intent all along since if they came to the Ps3 could eventually compete with their own MMORPG and because NCsoft appears to have no interest on the Ps3 since no announcements have been made.

Now all heads are turned to FFIV, and appears that Square is the key player since has the experience and a franchise well received in consoles. The PS3 is already promised FFIV... and since announcement is one of the most anticipated MMORPG, especially in Japan. But a 360 version could happen after we saw to what extremes (FF13 and GTA4) Microsoft will go to make sure the most anticipated 3rd party games don't stay Ps3 exclusive.

So question is:

Which system will get a MMORPG first? Which will have a successful launch?

Are the promises of PC mmorpgs to be ported to consoles something we can believe?

Or perhaps...

Is it really meaningless to have a console MMORPGs or they should just stay on PCs?

Or perhaps you are of opinion:
Who cares, WOW is king and everything will fail!!!!

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#3 ropumar
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You are completly of base about your judment. I am sorry to say, but you appear to know very little of how HEAVY RAIN will be.

The game will feature MULTIPLE storys and paths to follow. The gameplay of the game consists basically exploring the story possibilities.


The game will have 4 characters, if you die with one of them, you will continue playing and discorering the story with the other characters, with the consequences of your death being part of the new story. So in a sense they are trying to make a dinamic story... much like those old boooks that you had options to choose that lead to diferents page of the book.

The gameplay of the game isn't the QTE you see on the videos, that is just to given the game feel every game needs, in reality the gameplay will be the story itself. Is trying ro be really revolutionary as far as adventure/story driven games go.

I myself know will be one of the few games I want to play at least more than 5 times... since I undoubtly will want to complete the game with losts of dead and alive characters combination and story outcomes.

If they meet their ambitious the game will be trully revolutionary... altough I think there is a big chance they wont fully meet my expectation because of how difficult it is to create this type of dinamic storyline I expected. If they fail to create a lot of deph with the storyline It could surelly be a a failure.

But at least they trying... and at least until now the game is very visually impresseve and appears to have a very mature and misterious story.

Of topic:

my top anticipated game:

Last guardian

Heavy rain

Diablo 3

God of war 3

Gran Turismo 5

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#4 ropumar
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And worse is that Dark5tar1 answer as if the thead was serious, relevant and new. Not realising the joke, that is talking about the first assasin creed or even how old the thread is.

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#5 ropumar
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1.Demon's Souls

2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

3. Batman AA

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#6 ropumar
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demon souls box art

Expected a great game, but got one of the most amazing and memorable games ever.

My GOTY and apparently gamespot's also.

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#7 ropumar
Member since 2005 • 1135 Posts

capcom has been consistency the entire generation...

But it is not even close of getting 1st publisher in anything, quality, aount, sales or whatever.

Consistency is the only thing capcom has.... it releases some good games every year, nothing more , nothing less.

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#8 ropumar
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I live in a country where there is no game advertising whatsoever and every MALE GAMER above the age of 12thinks the Wii SUCKS and laughs at it. I bought one wii so just I could have something to laugh when there is no episodes of South park or Seinfield on TV.

The Wii is a laughing stock in the entire world (excluding japan, retirement homes, 3rd graders classrooms or hidrogynamstics classes)

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#9 ropumar
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Demon Souls was always my goty, imported from asia because I knew how good the gamewas all along. Slepeer hit not for me, nono.

I would be happy being Uncharted 2 also, but I am happier being the one most original, Demon Souls.

Cant wait for 3d dot game heroes.

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#10 ropumar
Member since 2005 • 1135 Posts


Last Guardian (shadow of colossus developers, enough said)

Agent (Rockstar next big hit, Ps3 exclusive)

Final Fantasy Versus XIII (FF13 just sold 1.5+million in japan, one week, this action spin of will follow)

Final Fantasy 14 (announced for 2010, altough possible to be delayed until 2011 the Ps3 version)

Modnation Racers

DC Universe Online

Free realms

The agency

Killzone 3


Wardevil (1080P, 60fps which is promising a graphics to rival God of war 3)

Twisted Metal (wans't announced, but very possible to be released 2010, altough as downloadable only)

3d Dot game heroes (developed by the GOTY winners of 2009, Demon's Souls developers)


Air tonelico 3

And that is only console exclusive, not counting multiplat or games that were released for the 360 as fake exclusive and will soon become Ps3 better version.

And that on the top of my head.