The gameplay from FF games has been broken and outdated from a long time, SE really needs to get it's things together and evolve.
I really don't know if is worth to play FF13 just to see cutscenes, story, world, music but having to go trough the sacrifice of going trough the boring gameplay...
Never had much hope for FF13, asside from:
CG cutscenes, lots and very high quality
Great artwork and fantastical world
Great music
Peharps the MMORPG FF14 can go well, it peharps can compete with NCsoft and Blizzard in this front if they luck.
You're right except for where you said something could compete with WoW. Nothing can compete with WoW :D
Nowhere in my message I said something could compete with WOW, I said they could compete with BLIZZARD, which of course is making a new MMORPG.
The FF11 already lost for WOW, that is a fact, I am talking about the NEW GENERATION OF FANTASY MMORPGS.
If BLIZZARD takes to long to release a new MMORPG and if it isn't called WOW2, I could very well see FF14 or a NCSOFT fantasy game taking hold of the FANTASY MMORPG market.
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