Ps3 has:
more reliable hardware
Free online
expandable and easy hard-drive
quieter hardware
more beautiful and well built hardware
Blu-ray player
Media gallery and photo-management program.
Full Dvix support
Better and more exclusives
Is more future proof and holds more value at resale
Disc are less likely to get scratched
Blutooth support
Mouse and keyboard compatibility
Web browser
These were the reasons I bought it.
Some lemmings are ignorant to all the PS3 features, have hate towards sony or simple buy what their friends tell them.
For me is very easy to see the Ps3 is a better than the 360, perhaps is because I have lots of information on all options, know all console library and features and have good reasoing.
Do some research on all features and exclusives for the PS3 and you will be amazed on how good it is.
The 360 is still a good console, but just don't buy a Wii, because it is overpriced and will be dated when ps3 wand and Natal comes by.
And regardless of wich console you will eventually own, buy a HDTV. No excuses not have a HTDV. NONE
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