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rukichu Blog

You know what, scratch that.

Alright. so that thing with bloo didn't work out, as soon as he signed in he started acting like a dick and totally forgot that he was going to try to be nice AND THAT WE WERE GOING TO BE FRIENDS, DAMMIT. FRIEEEEEENDS.

whatever, he's a loser anyway. I'm sick of trying.

excuse me while I play a song for myself on the world's smallest violin

Mannnn I wish my dad would go to bed already. It's fifteen minutes until three, what's so goddamn interesting that he has to stay up this late? All he has to do at this hour is jack off to lesbian porn, and talk to his billions of annoying girlfriends. OOOH that's SOO much more important than me getting to use your scanner.

But oh, there you are, sitting back reading this and thinking, "But RUKIIII, why are you being such a hypocritaco? you're up late too and whatever you're doing is probably a lot less interesting than porn. "

WELL I have two things to say to that--

a.) I never sleep. Ever. I watch your every move, and you should know that.
b.) I just realised that they... never gave Mac a bellybutton. OMGCRISIS. Something as drastic as that is much more interesting than watching two girls getting it on.
c.) BIGGER CRISIS: is being a little ****face and won't let me post the picture.

Oh and I wish someone would be really cool and be all "Hey Breezy you're like the king of the emo-nerds and I totally love you, here's some free foster's episodes for your Christmas in July celebration.One of the happens to be My So Called Wife because you've only seen it once. And another is PISSS, because I know how much you like staring at Mac's ass. yeah I totally want to have your children 'cause you're so sexy."

BUT NO, only in my dreams. WAAH BOOHOO. permission to cut myself in three, two, one.



omg I never ever thought this would happen, ever. I guess I have no one who wants to kill me now... well, there's Jenna911. I made a sarcastic remark at her once, and shortly after she sent me a total emotastic mopefest via the pm system, and finished the whole deal off by triumphantly removing me from her friend list. :roll:

Anywaaaaay. I don't want to forgive bloo but it feels like I have to so maybe we can stop FIGHTING for the first time in six months. Because that would be really swell. :D

On the other hand, he blamed all of his actions on a "bad mood." I've heard that damn line so many times. He'll try to kill me, then a few seconds later give me a kiss and say it was all because he was feeling a little cranky. What bull. I doubt that if I forgive him this time, it won't go anywhere and a few weeks down the road he'll be up at it again, and this time his mood will just have gotten worse. GOD DAMN I am really fed up with that sort of crap. It's YOU who tried to attack me, not your bloody "bad mood." Get yourself under control, grow up, and find someone else to feed your problems to over the summer vacation because I AM NOT INTERESTED.

...and on the third hand I think he just did it for attention. Let's see, he set his profile to private, he "left" (although he's said that so many goddamn times I don't know if it's real this time, hahaha.), and did this. Hell it's even got M4 to scribble a blog down about him, so it must be working. The kid feeds off of attention from others, because if you are not popular enough, you will die.

Digimon SAVERS yessss

Holy crap that show's like an instant orgasm. hooooly crap. Not only has it fufilled my dream of NEW DIGIMON EPISODES that I've been praying for for like, a gazillion years... it has also given me a second helping of Agumon. x] YAY. Agumon's the hottest wrinkly old orange lizard thing ever.

If you want me to give you the website I got it from, drop me a PM. The website is totally legal because they offer anime that have no liscence in the USA, so they're good. But I know if I just post it out here in the public some ass is gonna get all "oooh you posted a website that has DOWNLOADS how ebil. :o *slams forehead on the 'report rukichu and ban them for the rest of eternity' button*" and like, not even read the fine print. ARRGH.

Sigh. No one's... online... I wish I had someone else who was still up at 1:30 in the morning so I could dork out with them too. :(

questions people frequently ask me

q. Who are you?
a. I'm rukichu :o

q. What's your full name?
a. Breezy Smith

q. It's not really Breezy, is it?
a. You're right, it's not.

q. So what is it...
a. If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

q. Okay so will you draw me a picture pleaseeee
a. no

q. But you drew so-and-so a pic the other day, AND you made them a banner. WAAAH
a. That's because I like them, so hah.

q. Why do you like them more than me?
a. They're a cheese slice, and you're not.

q. What's a cheese slice?
a. my own little way of labling the people better than you

q. AM I ONE.
a. no you're not.

q. You're pretty full of yourself, huh?
a. Oh hell yes.

q. So, are you a girl or boy?
a. Guess

a. ARE YOU!?!

q. You write a lot.
a. i know.

q. Why do you blog so much?
a. because I DO now stop asking me.

q. Ur a meanieface
a. I KNOW. ok baii.

Oh LOOK! I'm still ALIVE. How about that.

The whole 6/6/06 thing was just... ARRGH. Too much bull makes my head want to explode.

Even if the devil was to rise on 666, wouldn't it be... in the sixth year? not the two-thousandth and sixth year?

And I thought the devil would be a little more complex than that, he'd arise on a day you wouldn't expect.

I bet on 7/7/07 everyone'll be all "oooh lookit us! we're saved we're saved! yaaaay!" although 666 and 777 were just symbolic in the bible, and NOT ACTUAL DATES.

happyplacehappyplacehappyplaceHAPPY PLAAAACE.

some advice, about 4chan...


Not even ten minutes in and I spy a picture of the Pringle Man getting it on with Snap. (the one rice crispy triplet o.o)

...uh I think my cat is sick. She keeps sneezing and her eyes are always watery, so she's constantly blinking. Another thing is that her tounge always hanges out now. It's weird.

just leave me aloooooooone

god damn is everyone pissing me off right now. o_O

and as we all know, everyone = my parents. :o

They keep acting all high and mighty, like NOTHING is wrong with them. A little while back they just burst into my room while I was asleep and started yelling because I didn't do my laundry right.

And I REALLY mean yelling. Like, top of their lungs yelling. The kind of yelling that you'd hear before someone threw a punch. And they keep saying how I need to go back to the mental hospital OVER SOME GODDAMN LAUNDRY my GOD THESE people annoy me.

Yeah I'm just soooo screwed up in the head because I let a few dirty clothes sit around. Ooooh boo hoo. And my mom said that my room and I smelt so bad that she was going to have to vomit from the repulsive stench.

GEE THANKS, TOTAL SELF CONFIDENCE BOOSTER. What the hell. She's such a goddamn drama queen. If I ever become a hermit I'm blaming her.

blah blah blah. Yes I'm being overly dramatic, you can go to hell now.