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rukichu Blog

Pages 15-10!

Is what you should read, if you decide to take a look-see at the [url=]rukift account[/url]. :D Ahaha. You get to watch my obsession with bloo tumble, trip, and fall into one for Mac (which I must admit was very... frightening how bad it was, now that I'm reflecting back on it. :lol: ) and a bunch of other stuff!

I also think it's funny how on the first page how I go outright and say crap like "I am NOT a LESBIAN, I am never going to go out with a girl!!!" and then... oh, look at that, I have a girlfriend now, I totally love her, and I'm going to meet her in a few months. It's weird how things like that happen, huh?

Page 24 is when I started going out with Bloo. So that part was really... weird. I've always told him in all those stupid arguments that I was just pretending to love him, and it really didn't look like "pretend" from either side to me.

(AND OH KIP YOU SHOULD TOTALLY LIKE... READ THIS ONE ENTRY ON THAT PAGE. I'm not gonna post it but just look around on that page and you should find it, I wrote something to you that you'd probably like to hear. xP)

Oh yeah and after about a... week or so, whenever, I'm going to set it back to private. Uh huh yeah.


I'm going to try and teach myself how to read and write that language.. mrrr.. I really want to learn more about my background and heritage and STUFF since my dad's never bothered to mention anything about it to me ever in my life and omg it's all his fault, and it's also a language that's not as popular.. so.. yeah.. This kind of thing's really important to me, so I'm not going to just sit around and wait for my parents to educate me on it. yeaah. Not a lot of people may care about their family history, heck my mom has no idea what her heritage is. o_O;; So I guess I just have to work with what I have.

This should be fun. I've been studying different words and their meanings for a little over a month now and though I'd just come in and totally share that with all of yah'll. uh huh yeah.

oekaki board

I'm thinking of opening one up... for my peeps... yeah.

[Oeakaki Boards are like those artpad things except cooler, if you didn't know. :D]

So if I opened one up, would you join? or at least occasionally glance through?

notice o____-

Bloo727 is gone from because of interest in The Weather Channel. You can still see him on the forums. It is likely that his Cartoons message board will be discontinued.

ewww yuck no

I have a piano recital on sunday which suxxzorz because:::

a.) recitals suck and I haven't had one since I was in like... fourth grade or something omg. -_-
b.) I hardly know my song

KWTF. :(


he's hot, and I know you wanna have his hawt slug babies.


...To the people who made teen titans/ben ten


Okay, when Teen Titans was in its prime... I ALWAYS got people telling me that my OC, Pessi, (click here for picture) was a Raven rip off because he had four eyes that looked exactly like hers.

ALRIGHT WHATEVER. People are stupid and are always going to assume I watch these... things and that I steal their ideas. AND I DON'T. But now that it's been canned I can be happy again without people being asses and going all "omg u kopied teh raven loslz"

BUT NOW... omg Now on ben ten there's this villan who has OH, LET'S SEE. Two eyes on the side of his head.

I dunno if it was a major villan or anything. o_O But he like, stole all of ben's powers and morphed them together? I dunno it was some dumb crap like that.

Alright so I have another character who's eyes look just like his. x___x NO.

And I know this is going to happen, oooh I can smell it coming, a new group of dumbfaqs are going to accuse me of stealing from ben ten.

WELL OKAY fine but whatever I just thought I was over this sort of thing.


Chobits! CHOBITS!!! A semi-new CHOBITS EPISODE

Ok, in episode 32 of Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, many of the Chobit characters make an appearence. Including CHI!!!!

If you didn't know, Tsubasa is like... the mother of all CLAMP crossover animes, who did Cardcaptors, Chobits, Clover, and a bunch of other crap I don't care about. :) BUT OMG I'm so nice and I took PICTURES FROM IT YEEEHEHEHE

So look! This is so cool!

It's Chi, drinking tea. :P They made her much less robotic for this show, her ears look more like an animals ears. And her eyes, they look much different too! Instead of them being big and blank, they show much more emotion. But I stil prefer the original Chi.

A better view of her ears... See? ^_^

The Landlady also returns. *.*

And the mini persocoms!!! =]

Here's a better picture of Kotoko, Summomo isn't like.. totally hogging the whole picture lol

I kind of wish they could've squeezed in Minoru and Hideki in this episode, but yah, this was so good though. Chi, Summomo, and Kotoko acted just like they did in Chobits.

If you want to see more pictures from this episode, click here for my new Photobucket account. It has about fifty from there, yeah they're mostly of CHII, omg I'm sorry, but I totally love Chi. :lol:

That albums also been made public, perminantly... So maybe later on I'll share some more of my screencaps. (such as Foster's, Pokemon, CHOBITS OMG, and American Dad. What series should I work on next as far as screencaps go? i'm thinking AD, since that show gets ZERO LOVE AT ALL.)

So yay! This was so cool, getting to see Chi again. If anybody wants me to send them the episode, just note me, ok?

And just so you know!!!!

When I'm crying, it's because I'm CRYING.

Not because I want your sympathy, love, or attention.

If I wanted that, I would go online.

so just shut up, okay?