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cardcaptor sakura/wild world

Well :D Does anybody else like that show? I just got the first season on my computer omg and I'm like "yay~"

I haven't seen it in forever... well ever since they stopped running it on Toonami. Uh huh yeah. I know Jena911 or whoever's a fan, but they're just one of the many people who hate my guts, so I don't know if they count. o_O

Other things going on in my oh so eventful life::

- I heard a tape of my piano recital, and oh my gosh, I sucked. I made all these mistakes that I didn't even realise that I made! x_x Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. I was terrible!!!

-I've also gotten back into video games, yay. I semi-hated them when Kraz and I split, because I was all "OH MY GOSSH, TOS, OH MY GOSSSH... IT REMINDS ME OF HIM. *weep weep emo weep*"

Yeaah. That sort of thing. :D That and I've also remembered how badly I suck at them. (if you remember the Great Stair Incident of '06, then yeah, my abilities are even lower than that now. :lol: ) I've spent all day looking for Warioware Touched, which is my favorite game at the moment. Twisted and Party Games a'int got crap on Touched.

So for now I've been playing Animal Crossing: Wild World. My town has two people in it: Ruki, the... ruki like person. And another person named mac. OH SHUT UP. That character was originally my sister's but then she made him move into my town as a gift, he came loaded with cash. YOU WILL HAVE TO TRUST ME. although I know no one will believe me. so yeah. D:

I think you guys all know where this is going next: if you play wild world, friend codes would be appreciated. =D

Mine is :

Ewww, ewww, eww

And also, eww. @__@

I've seen two bugs in my house tonight, I think they were roaches. Usually I'm not bothered by bugs, but these look just like the kind that used to "share" my old appartment. And they were soooo fuggin' nasty. I remember opening a box of cereal when I was little and seeing some of them inside. ARGH.

I'm afraid to go to sleep now, because one of them might crawl on me while I'm asleep. I'm not tired or anything, it's just.. so.. god I hate those kind of bugs. I haven't seen any in my room, but I did see a tick in my sheets a few weeks ago.

If I see one, I'm okay. Whatever. I just don't want them to touch meee.

And here I thought if we moved out by the suburbs we wouldn't have to put up with this nasty stuff. ;_; I can't complain that my overall quality of life has drastically improved, but this was like that one thing, that ONE THING I hated as a kid. I swear, I'd trade this bug problem in for anything else that sucked from that time in my life-- not having a car, no electricity, hearing gang fights outside, not having a rooom, whatever. Just... no more of those damned bugs.

YES I DID IT HAHAHA. [capz] wrote:
You have been found to have violated the terms of service.

Reason for moderation: Intending solely to annoy and/or offend other users
Action Taken: Delete Msg - No points were lost for this moderation.

See your moderation history for details.


I've never gotten a warning, ever. This is a major event in my life. D: *wipes tear*


squeeeze the daaaaaaay [EDIT #1]

Yay, I finally got off my asssssssssss and uploaded my screencaps from the foster's episode "Squeeze the Day" to photobucket.

click to see, oh-ehm-gee.

Oh and anyone who says something like "you know, some of the pictures are duplicates," "you only took pictures of Mac," "there's still some duplicates here and there" may SUCK MY JUICY MAN COCK. :D

I hate you allll x0

edit: oh and to anyone who's gonna get all pissy over that last sentance, I hate you even more. ^_^

And if you ask why, then ... um yeah, don't.

worst quiz ever o_O

stolen from TIC.

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

Sparky is your soulmate. (

You truly love Kippeh. (once again, wtf?)

You consider Kaytea your true friend. (ok you got me there...)

You know that M4 is always thinking of you. (lawlz)

You'll remember Elena for the rest of your life. (okay?)

You secretly think Anime Blob is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. (ahaha YES that one's perfect.)

You secretly think that Ord is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. (oh yeah, with him ordering that... giant bloo costume... o_O;;;; *cough*)

You secretly think that Bloo is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Bloo changes lovers faster than underwear. (oh yes, Bloo's so loyal and trustworthy and he's also my besssssssst friend in the world. We went out for ice cream together yesterday. :D)

You secretly think Sean is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Sean has a hidden internet romance. (AHAHaha maybe. xD)

What Do You Think of Your Friends?


lozl I was right

Iiiiiii sucked. Luckily no one I knew was there, so um... yay?

But omg you know what's weird and totally unrelated to all of that. Although school is out, I've been studying much harder and working more in general than I usually do. Like with my Ojibwe, I've been doing random translations of larger-ish ammounts of text. Annnnd I've also randomly decided to do a bunch of research on a bunch of different things, ranging from LSD to Hitler's family. It's fun. ¦D

One last thing though, an update on the Oekaki board: It should be up and running about a week from now. ^_^ But I was wondering, when it is opened... should I have a restriction on what you can draw there? Like I could create a "make sure it's PG" golden rule for the board, or I could let you run wild and let you draw as much violence, hot sex, and babies as you want. It really is up to you guys, I don't care. :D There's plenty of boards that let you get away with the "naughtier" stuff if you're really into it, but at the same time I don't want to limit what you feeeeel.

so lyk tellz me whut u think, k.

today's the daaay

of my piano recital!

I am soooo not ready. I just practiced for an hour and I still suck. And to add salt to the wound, two of the sci fi nerds will be there.

Most of the other students are really little kids, so it's gonna be even worse if one of them totally blows me out of the water. I remember hearing one kid who was like.. sixish? He played this song by Chopin PERFECTLY. He was scary talented, and to call him gifted would be an insult.

So um. I can already predict a 'crash and burn,' but let's just hope I can still have fun.. somehow.. o_O

repeat after me:

It was only funny when Kippeh did it.
It was only funny when KIPPEH did it.

If your screen name isn't kip_snip, then you are not being creative or funny by hating a fictional holiday character. You are being a dumbass who needs new material. ^__^


deaf 2 dah toof faeire lozl.

can't believe I'm saying this, but! [EDIT #1]

I got another program that will let me make capture GIF images, the trial's for ... thirty days or something? Whatever.

But while I can use this thing I'm going to be taking... requests and stuff... for images. Yess. @__@ So if you want me to make some from a specific series or a character then I'll do it. Because I am just soooo cool like that.

...I have a feeling no one's gonna reply to this, but people are still going to steal what I make. :lol: whatever.

[edit 1- If you still want to see the olderish images I did, I put them all up on zee new photobucket account. yup yup...]