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rukichu Blog

Yeah, that's it


Yeah, the reason I did that whole thing was because I didn't like being reminded of an event in my life that kind of... mirrored what he's going through. I felt good making fun of him, I'll admit it.

Mmmyeah. I'm so mature, I know. :D

I could delete that last entry and pretend it never happened, but that's not really going to stop me from doing it again. I get a rush whenever I make myself look bigger than someone, when I make fun of them. I always feel really guilty about it later, but I still keep jumping at people 'weaker' than me whenever I can.

You guys probably hate me a lot more now, huh. :P

My Life = Terrabel

Well guys I have to temporarlly announce something. Their is this really HOT girl who lives down the street from me. If I do not get to marry this girl, I will friggin die. If I do not tell here that I have such a crush on her buy the last day of school, Tommorow, which is Thursday, May 25th, 2006. I am adding in the date to make my post more importantly. I think I will commit suicide B/C I am too friggin shy to do anything, and will blame all my problems on that and that alone. I am not much a fan of that, so I am ordering you to help me. If you do not help me then I will punch you in the friggin stomach, or get one of my friends to come to you're house aned beat you up. Do not mess with me, I can really do this to you, despite the fact that we're online and that text cannot physically harm you.

And IMHO, I'm not a emo/dillusional. I'm the coolest, most awesomest, most popular guy known here on


WHY... must I be so goddamn nice to some people. x__x

I might be an ass, I'm not going to deny it, but I just can't say no to my friends when it comes to stupid little things.

I'm drawing Dario four unique character designs, for FREE. Usually I'd like... charge people like ten bucks a picture, but NOOO I have to be NIIICE and a GOOD FRIEND. He still hasn't payed me for my last picture, but here I go, AGAIN, drawing him some pictures for free.

I already did one (click here if you want to see?) but put almost zero effort into it. I swearrrr... why do I even bother? he's going to be impressed with whatever doodle I throw up for him.

And oh, I am just so smart. In the computer lab Porcupine was struggling with this story he had to revise, for his FINAL, and he's like "waaah breezy I need help" so you know what I did? I agreed to do it ALL FOR HIM. WTF, why did I do that?! I could've walked off with my middle finger in the air and just told him to do it himself, but no. Nooo Ruki can never do that, he has to please everyone.

Now I'm stuck with a four page paper and a bunch of really crappy designs I have to do.

...JUST ONE MORE REASON I WILL NOT MISS IT HERE OVER THE SUMMER lalalalalah. I don't know a single person at my grandparent's, I can finally be ALONE. :D

PS- I just found out I have Nyall on my MSN list. :lol: Man that's so FUNNY 'cause I was like "omg I wonder who nyall is, lol" and it turns out I've had him... like... on there... for a really long time. xDD;; WOW Blond moment.

Oh LOOK it's that picture again [i r so deep]


After I first drew it, it was about hope, and being honest. It was about not caring what other people thought, it was just about expressing yourself. Bloo doesn't like being hugged, but Mac's doing it anyway because he just loves him so dearly. Har har har.

After a while it was... just about being honest, and facing reality. The platform the two of them are standing on meant that love doesn't always come full circle, but you still have to be sincere.

Today the meaning's changed again, what I get out of it now is "imagination is your only friend."

Every time I look at it I get something different, while it's certainly not my best picture it is one very important to me.

I'm just so mad at myself that I wasted it and dedicated it to such an ass. I swear, the next thing I'll draw I'll make for someone who deserves it.


YEAH omg I think it's time for another MOOD SWING to be added to THE BOOK. :D 'CAUSE I'M LIKE SO HYPER.

FINALS! started today. And I think I did OKAY! And I think I crave a blueberry muffin. But for the health final, man if I don't ace that I'm going to be SO MAD AT MYSELF like this "Grawr."

TOMMOROW... I TAKE MY err what was it my CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY and the god what else was it the... DRAWING/DESIGN and lastly my GYM FINAL.


Klol I was watching NEIGHBOR PAINS today and when Mac started throwing dirt at that little kid and was going "OOOH YOU LIKE THAT, DON'T YOU HAHAHAHA OOOOH" and it made me go "...omg double meaning tiem"

YEAH I KNOW OK SHUT UP. :( LOL i still crave blueberry moofins. D:


Ruki Makino. You're a very lonely person and it's because what happen in your past but soon with help of the gang you get over it and with Renamon's help you become friendlier.

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Uh huh... [another emo journal D:]

My mom says it's okay to slap, kick, beat, hit, pull their child's hair, and sit on them so they can't breathe because other people do it to their kids. :roll:

As you can telllll I'm really really sick of her. Earlier today I went to my room and slammed the door all stereotypical like, and all she does is yell at me for being loud.

Oh, excuse me. You just YELLED at me for being loud? My god, I can't do anything. I can ask her to be a little quieter and all she'll do is snap back at me.

...And if she calls me "dumbass" one more time today... I am going to LOSE IT. She says that by telling people about what she does is disrespect towards her (more like her social image) but OOOH she can do WHATEVER the hell she wants to me. That's just how it works, huh?

Just because I was born to carry on your goddamn genes doesn't mean you can DO THIS, I'm a HUMAN too. But OH it seems like you've forgotten that, you little ass.

As for my dad... I've pretty much avoided all eye contact with him ever since the myspace thing. I really don't know who he is, he's a stranger to me now.

Yeahhhhh just a few more reasons that I'm not going to miss it here over the summer. ^_^

ANGELA = cool

K so I was jammin' out on MySpace and I heard the song on her page and this one line went something like "THERE'S A FINE LINE... BETWEEN LOVE AND WASTING MY TIIIIIME" which I thought was cool so yeah she gets like eighteen bonus points for that. XD

Mmmyes. "Days go By" by DJ Splash is my new favorite song. YAY.

K omg I drew mac today.

And then I ate some skittles, and thus I find myself here.

My life rules and yours doesn't. :D

July never seemed so strange


-Fourteen more hours until finals start
-Three days until school gets out
-Four days until I go to my grandparen'ts :D

Today was interesting. On the drive to piano my mom started getting pissed off at me for not being in band (lol) so I waited for the car to slow down, opened the door, and jumped out. I was like "You know, you're either going to stop talking to me or I'm just going to get out. I don't want to hear another argument from you"

and of corse... she kept talking, so I was like "oh welllll~ *jump*"

She got soooo mad. it was awesome.

but I seriously didn't want to get into another pointless b***chfest with her, god it gets so tiring after a while, she acts like such a child and when she gets too mad then she like starts kicking/scratching/other stuff. :|

At least in a few days, I'll be sooo far away from her for the next three months I CAN BRAG ABOUT IT. OH YES.

The only thing I'm gonna miss is my bedroom, waah it's so big and pretty and colorful. I don't have a room at my grandparen'ts, I have to share with my two sisters and share a bed with Cassie. x_o;; and it's really really tiny and it sucks.

Yeaaaaaaah. mrgfrfhtgdsl;kjgvsl; *ramble*

TURNAROUND!!!!!! [caps]




She said that the reason I could tell people I'm living there now is that I'm helping her, since she's getting her knee operated on. And in a sense, I will be... BUT YES I GET TO GO THERE FOR THE SUMMER AND FAR FAR AWAY FROM MY MOM OH YESSSS. ;___;


Well then...

I think the worst part about my mom knowing I'm not in band is over. she just like... kicked me a few times in the leg and pulled my hair, which is a lot less than I expected. o.o;;

She's making my dad call my counseler to change my schedule. :( I was going to take art because... well, duh, and Spanish so that Porcupine and I would have a class together. I hope the counseler doesn't do anything about my schedule, because after all... it's my schedule.

My mom said I was an embarassment who just makes her life difficult, and a lazy introvert with no friends at all. She said she was so embarassed because she was telling all the women at work about me, about how I'd be going to disney world for band... and oops, I'm not in band. so waaah.

Oh, and she also said that if the counseler can't change my schedule, that she's taking away my computer for the summer. ;_; argh.