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and what else am I gonna do?

over the summer, I am so totally going to open up a mac fanpage. <3 yesss.

omg last summer I started a foster's fansite that included all of my ugly little fanarts, maybe I can finally finish it. XD

YAY.... talking about all this makes me oh so happy.



I AM SO EXCITED <33333 'cause I'm gonna go with Lisa n bree and all my other totally kickass friends ;0 AND I'm dragging Cassie and Ally along with meh ^_^

And my friends that aren't going with me will actually be IN the play. @___@ OOOH. Carvah' says him and Anthony are going to be dancing around with fake beards XDD

AND OTHER STUFF. Even if the musical ends up sucking, the experience is going to be... awesome. Just like all the other plays. ;-;

I think that's my goal for high school, go to every show the drama club puts on. oh and graduate >_> BUUUT OKAAAYYY.



I just got an art commission

A REAL ONE, one that doesn't include DRAGONBALL Z PORN.*

well sorta

this kid at school's gonna pay me in m&m's and other candy if I draw him a picture of Cloud from final fantasy or something. XDD

SO YEAH this is cool, I can't believe I'm good enough to get payed in candy. :0 I'd rather have actual money but he was all... "well do you like candy, coz I got candy. *shifty glance*"

I really need summer to comeeee I just wanna sit around and draw mac porn and STUFF. Dx BUT the good things about school is this:: finals are easy. YES THEY ARE. Good thing I have all the same teachers as last time, so I know what's comming. :P

'NOTHER GOOD THING ABOUT SCHOOL: we had to write an essay for english, the minimum was one page... AND MINE IS FIVE. Oh SNAP do I love how talkative I get when I'm typing. XDD teacher said it would be totally super awesome if we made it longer than a page so YAY. I THINK I AM GOOD.

*if you remember that, then you are cool.

somebody back me up here m4

mac's best outfit besides the one he usually wears is his gym uniform. *_*

or his swim trunks

or maybe that hoody.

...the pajamas look reallly nice too.

argh I am such a fandrone. :(

told my dad that i know about his myspace, and my mom, and grandma...

roger says:
ok, all I can do is apologize, and say that me and your mother want to stay together and not fight anymore.
Breezy says:
whatever, I've just stopped caring. Do what you want.
roger says:
stopped carring about what?
Breezy says:
everything! it feels lovely. I don't want to feed you a spoonful of cliched teenage angst, but that's really how my outlook on the world's been since I found out what you've been doing. You don't know how perfect I saw you as, you were just so cool to me.
Breezy says:
I know people have faults, but... I still can't believe what you did
roger says:
ok, I guess I'll pack my bags and move out, I feel bad and humilated . . . I'm sure your mother and I will have a big fight over this.
roger says:
what I did , in my opinion , was not that horrible
roger says:
but, to everyone else, I am scum
Breezy says:
that's right.
Breezy says:
have fun with that.
roger says:
but, I know the truth ,
Breezy says:
good for you
roger says:
do you have any more questions?
Breezy says:
nope, now that you know how everyone sees you and that you've admitted what you've been doing... I'm pretty happy. Thanks.

no luck there...

so let's try here! :D

I found his AIM and YIM sn's so yeah let's see if sean shows up on there.

if I do catch up with him, then the first thing I'll say is that I'm sorry. Just because he was gone doesn't mean I should've goofed off like that. And I really am sorry... no one's ever just loved me and accepted me for who I am. That's more than enough for me, and I wish I could have appreciated it while it was still there, even if it was for a little while.

...but what if he's forgotten who I am by now... I mean, it's been forever since I last talked with him. If he just happened to have his internet cancled, then I thought I'd at least hear something from him. and then on the other side, if he got involved in some oh so horrible accident then I would understand why I haven't heard a thing from him in forever.

let's see... last time I talked with him was exactly one week before the last week of Lent.

erm *wanders off*

what does this mean?

k so I tried.. sending sean an email... and both times I got this message:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed.

Why would that happen... maybe his internet got cancled and so did his email?

arrrrrgh this is sooo bugging me.

,,,it's not WORKINNNNG.

I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. I knew it. I can't last a day without interwebs. xD;;

OKAY. Time to get SERIOUS. x_O *cracks knuckles and starts scribbling down stuff for her essay D:*

SIDE NOTE! still avoiding chat programs, not because I'm feeling EMO but because I don't wanna get too caught up in talking... and STUFF yeah um. UNDERSTANDPLZ. D: