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rukichu Blog

And in other news...

[color=#ff40ff]I just realised that I am missing quite a few pictures from the Mac Collection. I also have some weird urge to start drawing him again. Yeah, I think... I think I'll go do that now. :| Shut up. ^_^[/color]

I'm happy.

[color=#ff40ff]Shut up, if you say otherwise you're a liar. Bloo makes me happier than I have ever been, and I know he'd never do anything to hurt me. Bloo loves me. And I only love him. It's perfect. That is all.[/color]

TALK TO ME. On YAHOO. Oh please. :(

[color=#ff40ff]My address for Yahoo messenger is ADD ME. Even if you are a random stranger, ADD ME. I wanna talk to people today, but NOOO nobody has yahoo. ARRRGH laakljkgf.g;;. I NEED TO TALK TO PEOPLE. ok THANKS.[/color]

I loves my mom, she's so funny.

[color=#ff40ff]ok, let's pick up where the last journal left off-- my mom's screaming at her children how much she hates them and doesn't want to see them anymore, and is also demanding that they don't cry while she's doing this. XDD "I hate this family! I hate all of you! All you little kids do is make a bunch of messes... Cassie, you better throw all that **** away, or else I'll have a nervous breakdown. And don't start crying like you always do, I don't like that. If you do start crying I'll send you off to your grandparent's house and BLAH BLAH BLAH on and on an ON." So my dad's like "FINE I'll just take the kids to their grandparents if it'll get you to shut up and quit ****ing..." so we all crawl into our little clown car and driiiiiiiive off. On the way there my dad was like "HMMM... I CRAVE PANCAKES O_o" so we stopped at an I-Hop and jammed out in there XDD after that we went to the grandparent's house, and SURPISE SURPRISE, they weren't theeeeere... so we went to Cracker Barrel and whoah there they were, chillin' out and eating hash browns or whatever they make you eat there. XDD so we leave Cass and Ally with them at the cracker resturaunt, then I'm like "Soooooo dad we gonna go home now?" and he's like "YANNO...I think I need to go shopping." ...He just went shopping yesterday, but whatev. :P The two of us fly over to Meijers, where we like... bought stuff to eat. o.o yum. Then my dad's like "Well... you know, we should really get a new memory chip for the camera." (at this point I could tell he was just going to all these places just to avoid his wife :lol: ) then OFF TO BEST BUY we went to get a memory chip lol... after that, we got home, and my mom's sobbing. She was like, "Who destroyed my kitchen, it's such a mess, my whole house is a mess, it's so dirty and disgusting!" and I'm like... "yeah, you destroyed the kitchen, remember?" then I ran and hid in my room. XDDD And also, big major shout out to BLOO727 because he's very awesomly awesome for saying such kind things in my last entry. :) Thank you a lot, Bloo.[/color]

Leave her alone.

[color=#ff40ff]My mom's going through another one of her... I don't know what to call it. An anger attack? Well, she just finished destroying the kitchen and saying how much she despises and hates her family and children. It sounds scarry, but you get used to it. But this is... this is what pissed me off. She made Cassie throw away all these pictures and figures she had made because they were "junk." I'm sorry, but what the hell? She put a lot of hard work into those little paper dolls. And apprently, they're junk. She spends more time playing and making them than she does just playing with regular toys. She puts so much effort into them, and they're junk. Now she and Ally are being sent to grandma's house so that they can "destroy and trash their house" and so they can be "their problem now." Damn that pisses me off, she needs to start showing those two more respect, even if they are children. And she also needs to start showing her husband more respect... I'm starting to see WHY he's cheating on her. She treats him like crap too. Tommorow... or at least monday, my mom'll be appoligizing to everyone and telling us all how much she loves us, and that it'll never happen again. I don't know what side of her to believe. :|[/color]

The official rukichu FAQ v. 2

Q. Hi. A. [color=#ff40ff]Hi.[/color] Q. What's up? ^_^ A. [color=#ff40ff]Not much.[/color] Q. How old are you? A. [color=#ff40ff]Trust me, I'm young.[/color] Q. Ok, are you a girl or a boy? A. [color=#ff40ff]Take a guess.[/color] Q. What's up with the pink? A. [color=#ff40ff]I dunno, what's up with your face?[/color] Q. Hey, could you give me some teddy grahams? A. [color=#ff40ff]Nooo, they're MINE. *dashes off with the almighty teddy-graham box*[/color] Q. Kay, so you got any Funyuns? A. [color=#ff40ff]Yeah, but good luck on getting me to share.[/color] Q. That's pretty greedy, man. I'm hungry. A. [color=#ff40ff]And you know, so am I. [/color] Q. Ok, let's put those last few questions behind us and forget that ever happened. A. [color=#ff40ff]Ok, cool.[/color] Q. You like music? A. [color=#ff40ff]Mmmyup... you can find me lurking around if you really wanna know what I'm into. And while you're there, it'd be cool if you bought me some of those CD's on my wishlist. :P[/color] Q. Alright I gotcha, I'll make a note of it. But you know, I also heard you're pretty artsy fartsy. A. [color=#ff40ff]Yup, that'd be me. I love drawing. If you want me to draw you something, I will. :)[/color] Q. Are you on Deviantart/Sheezyart/Side 7? A. [color=#ff40ff]Yes, yes, and no. I update my Devart site the most often, Sheezyart is used for my animations... and since I've sort of stopped animating it's become sort of pointless. And Side 7 just can't hold my interest long enough for me to join, sorry.[/color] Q. Ooooh that's cool. So what's your SN over there? A. [color=#ff40ff]Umm... I'll send you a PM with it.[/color] Q. Why's that? A. [color=#ff40ff]See--look. A LOT of people know my screen name name that I use for deviantart/sheezy/a crapload of other websites. This account was made so I'd have some "privacy" from people in real life. I don't really want them finding out this SN and reading my blog, snooping around, ect. That means that if I give you my devart SN, you have to swear on your life you won't mention this account, and to not assosiate me with the DA name.[/color] Q. Kay I gotcha. A. [color=#ff40ff]Ok, cool. :)[/color] Q. Wah, this person is being mean to me. Plz help me...? A. [color=#ff40ff]I get this a lot... I don't know why. Random people will come up to me and try to have me solve their life's problems. Look, if someone's being an ass, you deal with it, I'd rather not get involved.[/color] Q. What are you, a gawth? A. [color=#ff40ff]Naw.[/color] Q. But I hear you're anti-social. A. [color=#ff40ff]I also hear you're pretty ugly, but I haven't said a damn thing about that yet.[/color] Q. Are you always this MEAN? A. [color=#ff40ff]Only if you annoy me, usually I'm way too nice.[/color] Q. Yeah, you're right. Ok NEXT QUESTION, lol. Do you have AIM/MSN/ICQ/YIM/whatev? A. [color=#ff40ff]Yes. The reason I don't put up my address for those is because I HATE it when random people talk to me. I only really like talking to about three or so people at a time, anything more than that and I will explode into a million pieces all over the place.[/color] Q. So who's allowed to talk to you? A. [color=#ff40ff]Bloo (Blooregard727) can talk to me whenever he wants, because he's cooler than you. Katie (Deo_with_it) is my bestest friend, but she's never online... The Kippixel (Kip_Snip) would also be on there, but he doesn't have msn lawlz. So basically, if Bloo or Katie isn't online, feel free to talk. XDD[/color] Q. Omg what is it with you and Bloo lolz. A. [color=#ff40ff]Yeah, I guess you could say we're "going out" but that phrase sounds so weird to me. :P[/color] Q. So how long have you guys been together? A. [color=#ff40ff]That sorta depends. We first were officially together November second, two-thousand five. Bloo broke up with me New Year's 06, but then we got back together February 24th, two-thousand six. Yeah, weird... but I'm not complaining. :P[/color] Q. Hmmm, but I also heard something about you and Kraz (KrazyKraz01) A. [color=#ff40ff]Yeah, ya did. While Bloo and I were apart, I went out with him for a little bit. It was fun. :)[/color] Q. Have you ever been with anyone in real life? A. [color=#ff40ff]Hahaha, no.[/color] Q. So what, are you just someone who sits at home starring into their computer all night and doesn't have any frineds and doesn't socialize and OMG. :o A. [color=#ff40ff]Sorta. :P I can socialize and make friends in real life, I just choose not to. It's easier for me to just do my own thing on the Internet.[/color] Q. Ok, that's cool. A. [color=#ff40ff]Mmmyup...[/color] (if anyone else has questions I'll answer 'em... come on, ask me anything you'd like to know! :D)

YAYYYYYYYY I am EXPLODING. With squishy-happy feelings.

[COLOR=#FF40FF]WELL THEN. IF you've seen Bloo's latest blog, YOU WILL KNOW WHY. It is because we've gotten back together again. :o I know, it's surprising. The reason I'm no longer with Kraz is because he wanted someone in real life, so he could like yanno... hug 'em and stuff, instead of just typing *HUG* into a glowing little box. I was pretty pissed at first, but can you blame the dude? :lol: We lived just about a continent away, so the chances of us meeting up in real life were pretty slim. He was just thinking realistically and using his brainmeats, so don't get pissed at 'im. Don't worry, Kraz is still pretty high on the "Cheez Slice" list. Well yeah. I'll be making a FAQ 2.0 tommorow. ;) PS- Happy early birthday, Kippeh. :D[/color]

Progress report WEEEEEEEEE ok no.

[color=#ff40ff]Biology- D Concert Band- B Cultural Geography- C Drawing and Design- A English 1A- D Health- C Pre Algebra- A Physical Education- A Ooooh, two d's and two c's. If I "mysteriously" disappear from and the interwebs in general, then yah'll will know why. XDD I can't believe I'm getting an A in math, I have yet to do ONE sheet of homework. XDDD And I KNOW my mom's gonna get pissed about that English grade, because according to her, "The only thing you're good at is writing." Ironically, when I failed art the only thing I was good at was drawing, and when I failed math the only thing I was good at was math. :lol: Come on, why can't she just PICK the "one thing" I'm good at already! And oooh, I know she's gonna get mad about that Health grade, since about 99% of the books I read in my spare time are like, about disabilities/disorders in humans, stuff like that... so of course, she's gonna get mad. :P I know the material they're teaching like the back of my hand, I just don't like doing the homework. I'm missing two assignments... which isn't really that bad. Lesse what else we got here. The first class I failed was a social studies class (I used to be a straigh-a student in the "smart" classes, swear to god, then I just gave up XDD) so when she sees the cultural geography grade she'll probably be reminded of that and start going on and on about how good I USED to be. MAN this routine is getting OLD. She doesn't even care if I'd get straight A's still. She didn't in the past... my mom would just be like "oh yeah that's nice" when I showed her my report card. Maybe I'm just failing to get some sort of attention from her...? Or maybe I JUST DON'T CARE. Haha.[/color]

Ah crap...

[color=#ff40ff]I have to design and build a website for my aunt's dog grooming shop. Rawr. :B I should make a list of all my artsy-fartsy "jobs" people need me to do. MAN I can't wait until I'm actually good at these sort of things, then people can actually start paying me. ;____; blah I want a job... I like money. :( I know I have the rest of my life to work, but I LIKE MONEY. When can you get a work permit, is it 15 or 16?[/color]

New personal image... ten bucks goes to the guy who knows where it's from.

[color=#ff40ff]SPEAKING of money, I got twenty bucks stolen from me. ^.^ And speaking of bucks, back in the day some teacher wouldn't let me enter a story contest because my story used that word. (She wasn't a fan of slang) XDD And I was like... arguing with her, all "well jee, what else do we say to describe how much money we have?" Looking back, it's pretty damn hilarious. (I was in third grade at the time, back in the day when I was actually put in the 'smart' classes.... lol. I know, weird.) Umm... yeah. Pickle hat. *runs off and hides*[/color]