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rukichu Blog

...well then.

[color=#ff40ff]Apparently, I'm only good enough to be temporary. Goddamn. No matter what I do, it's always going to be the same. No matter how hard I ****ing try it's gonna be the same **** over and over again. blah blah blah. mini emorant over. now let's all go out on a rukichu hunt. ^^[/color]

An art rant.

[color=#ff40ff]It really feels that because of my pictures people are just giving up. Everywhere in real life, people are always comparing their artwork to mine and just putting themselves down. I was even one of the reasons why Starblaster gave up on fanart... Really, I'm only an average artist, but people insist on comparing and critisizing theirselves to me. Why is that...? When I see someone better than me, I force myself to practice and try to become better than me. So why is everyone else so different? meh, I don't care. I just wanted to say that. My computer is broken. :| yay.[/color]

Cliched blog post number 78- This place is dead.

[color=#ff40ff]No seriously, is starting to feel like a ghost town. I'm tempted to move over to TV rage, because I mostly use this website for the forums, people's blogs... that sort of thing. And what's the point in no one ever does anything? Ah... but I won't, I'm sticking here. This website's been such a huge part of my life, I couldn't just abandon it. But still... it's become so boring. :|[/color]


[color=#ff40ff]Bloo727 says: Even if you'd walk to my house, I'd be more than happy to wait. Breezy says: That'd be a long walk Bloo727 says: I know. Weeks Breezy says: Yeah XDD Breezy says: I'd probably end up hitchhiking :0 Bloo727 says: lol Breezy says: then I'd end up in beijing... somehow... Breezy says: how that works I have no idea. Breezy says: but it'd probably happen to me. Bloo727 says: LMAO Breezy says: I'd fall asleep in the car, wake up, and I'm in China. Bloo727 says: could happen Breezy says: yeah, but how? XDD Bloo727 says: dunno Bloo727 says: Feel asleep on the train and missed your stop Breezy says: its' like "yeah we meant to take you to new jersey... but we got sidetracked and ended up in china. sorry dude, have fun learning how to work chopsticks." Bloo727 says: lol[/color]

Life in the 1500's Snopes page, part two

[color=#ff40ff]And now for the DRAMATIC CONCLUSION to my last blog. So when fourth period was ready to start, I asked the teacher where she got her little "Life in the 1500's" fact sheet. When I asked her this, she paused for a bit and said it came from a textbook. One look at that sheet, and you know it's not from a textbook. Each bullet point was written in a different "creative" font like Jokerman or Comic Sans. There's also no page number or actual layout, and looks like something she probably whipped up in MS Word. Anyway, I continue talking to the teacher. I tell her that I found a website that reviews an article very similar to the fact sheet she presented us. I showed her a printed copy of the Snopes page, and she read a little bit of it. She was surprised to see that many of the things from her "textbook" was wrong. She didn't admit that she was teaching the students false information, but insisted that "the textbook" made a bunch of errors. During the lecture today, she mentioned that in the next class we'd go over the sheet again and she'd explain the origins of some of the things more in depth. So yay, my classmates are going to be a little bit more educated. People shouldn't learn history from chain e-mails. :P[/color]

Snopes comes to the rescue once again.

[color=#ff40ff]Well, let's rewind a bit. In fourth period Literature class, the teacher is telling us about the 1500's. She beleives that it's important for us to know about the culture and what life is like before we start reading plays from that time era. Okay, that's pretty cool of her to do instead of just shoving the material in our faces. I like slow and gradual introductions to new things. So she starts out by passing out a paper that has a bunch of "facts" about life in the 1500's. As I'm reading through this list, my bull**** detector is ready to explode. I've read the exact same list of facts in an chain letter e-mail. Now how could a chain-mail be right, and why is she teaching us from something out of her inbox instead of a book? Now I haven't lost faith in my teacher yet, she's pretty cool. I'm not going to critisize her in any way. But after school, I ran (probably not the best idea when you're in a high school filled with inexperienced drivers who DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A TURN SIGNAL rawr...) home to check Snopes, to see if they had any information on her little list. And bingo, they do. I'm going to print this out and show it to her Wednesday, and see how it goes. I just hope that she doesn't think I'm a little show-offy **** for the rest of the year, like this one teacher did. I just don't want everyone learning a bunch of mis-information.[/color]

Pulaski day can't come soon enough

[color=#ff40ff]I know I just got done saying how much I want to go to school and get away from my mom... but... arrgh I also can't wait for Pulaski day, so I can point and laugh at all the poor, poor people who don't live in Illinois. ...and so I can sleep in and spend the whole day drawing. mmmyup. Just hope she cools off by then.[/color]

and in otherly news...

[color=#ff40ff]My mom still hasn't calmed down since the weekend. I can't wait to go to school today. :D coz we all know school=no mother. ...actually I always look forward to school. whateverrrrr...[/color]

I've learned the hard way not to be lazy...

[color=#ff40ff]Hmm, instead of making myself a real meal, I found some old Valentine's day candy that dates back to... oooh, I'd say a year or two ago. I don't know why I thought eating that was a good idea. :D *dies* also I just finished about three pictures of Mac. ^_^;; haha. shut upppppppp.[/color]