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rukichu Blog

I like chocolate milk.

[color=#ff40ff]HAHA! I just got approved to run a Cheese fanlisting for The :D This'll be so much fun, I can't wait until everything's up and running. Better get to work. :) I only have four weeks to complete my website. After this I also would like to make a Berry fanlisting, she is my favorite one shot imaginary friend. The only reason why I picked Cheese is because he's so popular, and I didn't want my work to go to waste. So yeah, over the weekend I'll make the website and put it up. This is going to be SO COOL.[/color]

hmm interesting

[color=#ff40ff]The less blog posts I make, the more comments I get. :o weird. Maybe since I can't make about six posts a day, people can actually read what I write. Hmm, that makes sense. School starts in an hour. Oh boy. -_-[/color]

noooooooo :(

[color=#ff40ff]Yeah I'm really afraid to go to health class, they're talking about sex, reproduction, and stuff and that sort of thing just makes me so ill. It's also not helping my oh so wonderful fear of having children. We have a test today, I didn't study. I was afraid to. If I fail today then oh freaking well. I failed. Whatever. I just wish we could PLEASE hurry up with this chapter and move onto a subject less disgusting.[/color]

HAPPY PI DAY and some other stoof...

[color=#ff40ff]ahh I love Pi day, it's such a geeky holiday. And only ten more days until my birthday. :o gasp! Well I don't know. Today should have been awesome, but right now it's not since I feel so ignored. rahhhhhh D: people please stop freaking ignoring me. ;_; pleaseeee? MEH WHATEVER. -_-[/color]

YAY i have friends lol

[color=#ff40ff]So at piano today I walk into the studio, and SURPRIIIISE. My two friends Dario and Porcupine are there. XDD which I thought was sooo nice of them to come. They want to walk there with me every monday now... hmm, sounds fun. And afterwords they said we could go jam out in the Lithuanian resturaunt across the street. Oh and some more good news. My parents and grandparents said that if we go somewhere for spring break (and that's a pretty big IF) then I'd get to pick where we go. @___@!!! ZOMG. So yeah if we go I'd probably pick a location like oh say NEW JERSEY or maybe a state that borders it. :o like New York. hmmm yeah new york's sounding pretty good, because I don't think anybody but me in my family would wanna go to nj. XD;; man that'd be so cool if I got to meet Bloo over spring break, but that prolly won't happen. :P ah well I can still daydream about it like a schoolgirl. on crack.[/color]

Don't let Bloo727 see this.

[color=#ff40ff]Because I have fallen madly in love with binary code. :D he might get jealous. ;_; LOL. LET'S SING. 01011001 01100001 01100001 01100001 01100001 01100001 01100001 01111001 00100001 00100001 00100001 00100001[/color]

Your pets

[color=#ff40ff]My grandma's dog likes rolling around in the snow. Like, seriously, rolling. He also likes jumping and trying to catch the falling snowflakes. So do any of your pets do anything that's weird? Or are they just boring and do nothing but sit around and act like a blob? Please share. :D[/color]

Update, like whoah!

[color=#ff40ff]yeh, turns out the only reason why Bloo's been gone is because he's developed a life outside of the interwebs. :( But hey, at least now I know he doesn't hate me and that he's not avoiding me. :D :D :D :D :D YAAAAY. I think. o.o;; I hope. I've just been waiting allll day for him to come online. @___@ and whenever I hear the little "beep someone has signed in" noise that msn makes, I get all excited and think it's Bloo... but then WHOOPS NO IT'S NOT. Errr. You know how people in real life go to my deviantart page? You know how they're *not* supposed to find out I'm going out with Bloo? yeah... I've been cutting it reallllly close lately. XD Actually I told about three of my friends, (actually only told two since one of them is a freaking blabbermouth) and it's kinda starting to spread. Like I get people who don't know come up to me and ask "Hey, who's Blooregard727 on deviantart?" I have to tell them he's just my best friend. (and that's not really a lie, he actually IS my best friend in the whole world and a whoooole lot more. :3) but really, with things like this and this they might... they might kinda think differently. XD Hmmm yeah Bloo's gotten kinda popular at my school. People still ask me how Kraz is doing and what he's been up to though. :P but it looks like eeeeverybody wants to know who Bloo is now. XD If he somehow magically transfered over to my school he'd be pretty popular within the group of people I hang out with. XD So let's see. What I have learned today: If Bloo ever goes vacation over the summer or spring break, I will go insane. :D I love him too much. :P That and I freaking abuse the ehcks-dee smiley more often than I should. :([/color]

I love deviantart.

[color=#ff40ff]I go there and it's like... ONE GIANT SELF-CONFIDENCE BOOST. XDD I'm not that popular there, but haha I love getting comments. I'M SUCH A WHORE, ONLY GOING THERE FOR THE BACK PATS AND ASS-KISSERS. :( Like YEAH I did this picture of Mandy and I was all "EWW THIS IS UGLY." Then six people commented and two added it to their favorites. WEWT YAY DANCE. OFFTOPIC: I AM MISSING MY COMPUTER MORE AND MORE. SERIOUSLY it's been like.. one week, maybe two without it. @__@ And I had just finished putting Fruit Baskets, up to episode twenty of Naruto on it, and a bunch of other ANIME ON THERE OMG :( SHUT UP. So yeah if when I get it back if they can't fix it and they just give me a new computer... I WILL BE PISSED. @_@ Because it took me for freaking ever to build up my anime collection ;_; K SO YEAH ANYWAY. ...LOVE ME. :D[/color]


[color=#ff40ff]My headphones are freaking gigantic. Seriously, Chii's ears are about five times smaller than them. Jus' look.    Mmmhm. And no, I did not just write this blog to post a bunch of sexy Chii pictures that I spent way too long staring at. Shut uuuuup. :cry:[/color]