This is a joke.
Super Mario 64 was way better than Super Mario Galaxy.Hell, I wouldn't even really say Galaxy is better than Sunshine.
If I were joking you would know it.
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This is a joke.
Super Mario 64 was way better than Super Mario Galaxy.Hell, I wouldn't even really say Galaxy is better than Sunshine.
If I were joking you would know it.
[QUOTE="EliteKitteh"]GTA IV is currently the most technically demanding game released this gen, and it runs just fine on the 360, meaning there is no proof that the ps3 can do things that the 360 cannot, meaning they are both equal, in turn meaning that neither of them have any advantage over the other in this area; rendering your arguement useless :shock:
The game was designed to be multiplatform. I imagine it could be even better if it was a PS3 exclusive.
Hence the point of my thread.
If GTA4 was PS3 exclusive it wouldn't be on the 360, and do we really want that ? Would we really go that far ? Mankind has been pushing the boundaries for centuries and I think that GTA4 not on the 360 would cause time to stand still and the planet to freeze over on one side, and burn into a toxic fire flame from hell on the other. A PS3 exclusive of GTA4 could very well possibly be the cause for "The End of The World".
[QUOTE="ryuisill81"][QUOTE="thetruespin"]this is perhaps the worst attempt to attack the 360 ever... you could tell that the thread had failed when someone tried to mention the RROD as a last resort. Doh :)thetruespin
The RROD is very real. I've had about 16 org...of them and that's not counting the first year I had the console.
16.. of course you have... just look at your posting history and we quickly see "whose side you are on".
The RROD was very real and a big problem, nowadays much less so.. but this is all ps3 fanboys can attach the 360 for.
Why don't we both go play gta4... unless it's freezing your ps3 because the lower(read: sub-HD) resolution is still to much for the system to handle :)
Hey! Hey, Jack that was totally uncalled for. I am so enraged right now that I think I'll go walk my Huskies.
this is perhaps the worst attempt to attack the 360 ever... you could tell that the thread had failed when someone tried to mention the RROD as a last resort. Doh :)thetruespin
The RROD is very real. I've had about 16 org...of them and that's not counting the first year I had the console.
I'm yet to play a Valve game to my knowledge! Though saying the Wii is for Kids is far from the truth as its already been proven that average Wii owner is 28 if i remember right. Overall any 3rd party developer who is intrested in making Wii games gets a pat on the shoulder.Dibdibdobdobo
That's the average age of parents who buy the console for their pre-teen. The average age of parents with pre-teens gets lower every generation. I blame it all on the dust people, but that's just me.
Well, I first started gaming in the summer of 1988. I was born to the Kirkpatrick clan in August of '87 (The best day of my life until...).
My first experiance within the gaming medium was when I played my eldest siblings Nintendo Entertainment Systematic. It was my brother and sisters console, and as the youngest sibling at the time (Till my parents got it on once more and had another bastard child in '89) it was extremely difficult for a young booming boy like an apple tree to compete for the NES's attention. I was starving for just one good day of gaming when IT happened. One stormy night my siblings went out to dinner with my parents (god bless them) and I was to be looked over by my great-great grandmother (I know you are watching over me. P.S. last night was not what it looked like, I could have sworn is was a woman). ANyways, back to the heart-throbbing story of the pain and anguish I went through on my way to when I first got into gaming and turned into a sniffeling nerdy nerd guy, and a true... hardcore gamer.
Great-great granny fell a sleep after a couple of malt liquor bottles and I was on my own. I broke out of my crib and made my way to the NES. There was this cartridge with a giant man that looked like edible legos on it. I then proceeded to incert the cartridge into my mouth where I knawed on it's dull edges. After that I took my round at filling my diaper with what seemed at the time to smell like heaven. I popped the cartridge into the NES and waitied for it to load up and to know success it refused to load up. I kept getting this blue-screen. It was the most fascinating thing a one year old could ever see at the time. I was without words and my knees were feeling anemic, I couldn't walk. I was so flustered that I cried tears of joy that awoken my Great-great Granny who then changed my diapers, breast fed me, gave me a bottle of malt, burped me and then layed me to sleep. Till this day I can still remember that day. It feels like a not so distant memory of the time when I first began gaming...oh...wait...the topic says "When did next gen start for you". Well, I guess it was the summer of 2006 when....
Interview with Valve, about Portal 2, HL2EP3 and their desire to work on Nintendo's Wii.
"We all play the Wii a lot and we think that the proper way for Valve to approach the Wii would be to make something cool designed specifically for Wii.
I mean, I'm not making any announcements but there's a lot of desire internally to do something for kids, do something on the Wii.
Gabe's [Valve co-founder, Gabe Newell] a huge fan of MMORPGs and he's always wanted to make one, but that's a big risk to venture out on. I think at some point you'll see us move a little further out of our comfort zone than Portal was, but it's not going to be this year or next.
But definitely, before we're done, years from now we'll diversify a little more and move outside of PC FPS."Doom_HellKnight
I agree with Valve when they said that the Wii is for kids. I also think it's great that they want to do something for the kids. If I was involved, you know, Lead Stuff Planner for Valve, I would plan a party for kids. They could play with Wii and have red plastic cups to drink out of. I would also use them to test this new type of hellish drup-out before mass production. It's kind of a mix between the high you get when playing SNES and Wii. I think it could be very addicting.
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