@gr4h4m833zy: I mean, judgement was supposed to be the replacement of yakuza but the lead actor was tied to johnny talent agency then that agency was involved in a sexual scandal, on judgement 2 that was supposed to give hamura a bigger role, had to be cut and sales to the game were halted due to the actor being caught on drug charges with the producer of the game.
Probably why Ryo is dusting off old guard characters.
While they build more on top of the foundation on Like a dragon.
Sound like a recipe for disaster, ff 13 had it and it killed any fun, same as Warhammer 40k daemon hunters once you clear the eldar ship, doomdsday clock start ticking and you are rushing, never enjoying it.
Only game that used a doomsday clock fine was dead rising but then once the clock is actually removed you can see how hollow the game was.
If they put some form of timegate should like on aliens dark descent the way the planet slowly fell to xenos influence.
Only thing i resent from win 10 to 11 is that the volume mixer is vertical instead of horizontal, had to get some extra file just to keep using the old volume mixer, everything else win 11 surpasses 10, you can call things that you needed to open window after window in one keyword.
But i understand folks that hold on to 10, i upgraded to 11 because my CPU wouldnt work on 10, simple as that.
Hey.. .but at least has dwarfs without their scottish accents, thats 5 points right there gamespot, instant 10 goty!
After seeing gameplay videos prior to the release, the score is on point.
Cant take serious most of the other reviewers since they stand to gain by appealing MS, just like IGN that now is a conglomerate of gamesites with diff names, and they can push the same editorial corporate wide. Ever since RPS got bought by IGN all their reviews line up with IGN.
Ugg companion AI was so bad i bricked an early save game rage quitting due to sheva dying to the dogs over and over ...
Still the jeep chase was pretty neat, the temple run not so much...
My memories lean on the downside with this game, it was nice how they fit las plagas follow up from RE4 into the RE timeline lore tho and how umbrella came to be. Either make it a chris or sheva playtrough, not co op!!!
Too bad i was hoping for a WW with the nemesis system from shadow of war, developed by monolith, i guess this game was a victim of WB shift to a flop like suicide squas GaaS.
Thats not surprising, they could barely keep up with their 4 updates a year and most of the time some things were never fixed since the content would end up on standard.
Could always import chinesse people to help with the game, tencent must have thousands ready to go.
s1taz4a3l's comments