@Slannmage: Nah dont fall for the 5070 pr gimick, as usual go for xx80 or xx90, avoid the xx70s and if you are short on cash now then wait till the xx80TI.
12 vram is not enough for 4k gaming regardless of the card. Indiana alone passed the 12gb vram usage. 16gb is the norm if you play at 2k-4k.
@pcps4xb: What profit or are you blind that Sony ended up in the red last year with both hyenas and concord flopping simultaneously :O.
All that money that spiderman websling, straight to the dumpster. :(
You forget Sony needs to pay investors on top of finance their next games. Those 400 million are not even enough to make a quarter go green for Sony Q_Q
Dont worry the PC master race will buy spiderman2 proper so they dont look so poor no more :D and at half the price with native 4k.
Xbox can layoff their employees if their games underperform because they didnt bought the studios for the people working in them but the IPs, plebs these days...
@pcps4xb: So the numbers for spiderman 2 are even worse :O
65 million ps5 and only 11 million sold. And lets face it they will never reach 15 million units let alone 20m by the time it launches on PC with half of those units going to recover the costs, barely 300 mill profit, the flop of hyenas alone was 200 million and concord LMAO, lets not even go there :(
Sad day for sony, no wonder bungie went trough another round of layoff before the year ended.
@pcps4xb: What smart move, you are taking the analysis from a nobody analyst way too literal thinking thats how the market will work...
10 million units like spiderman2 that cost about 300-350m to make, it means half of that money went to recoup production costs alone. 10 million units then you have PS plebs saying PS5 has sold 100 mill, it barely reached 10% of the player base LMAO...
And spiderman 2 launched on the PS5 exclusive... talk about low sales with a brand like spiderman.
And you wonder why Sony has shrunk all their in-house studios when they keep underperforming or maybe.. maybe... they havent sold that many PS5 :O
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