@cj_topspin: Nah, he has it in its contract to never kill a (animal)sidekick of him, after all the flak he got when they killed the dog in turner & hooch.
With those clothes game will be a woodcutter open world arpg, logan will go from location to location completing wood cutting contracts during the day and getting into barfights at night. It will end up in an epic fight with logan attempting to cut yggdrasil only to be stopped at the last minute by a special cameo of thor voiced by chris hemsworth, post credit scene will hint at the sequel OFC.
Pyrrhic victory for apple, they could have saved hundreds of millions by allowing fortnite to continue selling their packs on their own. Now apple will lose money from every front with devs enabling direct payments. They have money to burn to waste on appeals so this is far from over.
Next they will do another flip and say that games will run at 30 fps steady, they will spin it to say it will be just like a Switch with less battery, poorer screen and more compatibilities issues because the system runs on linux on 2021...
Sony is bound to use a loophole to lock 4k textures under a paywall or any PS5 exclusive feature. No way they are going to lose the 10$ extra.
Worst case scenario this just means they will be all the more willing to port it to PC ASAP to recoup the cost, while charging 60 to PC as well, would make a killing for Sony. Then they can spin their PR BS tale about being the smartest decision.
With most of the production money coming from streaming services directly or indirectly her projects will fizzle due to scheduling problems or creative differences.
These comments will haunt her as her career fizzle after WW3 if it gets greenlit with her as director most likely will end up like roberto orci career once it ruffled the wrong feathers from having a 3 movie deal to ending up an empty chair with a low tier producing credit with his last movie being " the mummy"
Just hope the experience, faction gain or watever isnt turbo mode like farcry 5.
I barely cleared less than half the faction area when i already had the boss fight available, like the hunter son on FC5, nothing killed the immersion faster than clearing an outpost trigger the cinematic about the brainwash camp then getting teleported all the way across the map for that mandatory history checkpoint.
Didnt play New dawn and the weird weapons dont really appeal me.
Just give me a modded MG and set me free!!!
Also that beer bottle with gallito supremo looks so bad ass. Its asking to be printed on a good fabric t shirt.
With people starved as they are for movies, its the most sensible business decision because parents and their kids can enjoy the movie, 3 tickets minimal guaranteed sold instead of 1 or 2 if it was R.
Also it would kill the movie to go vs Halloween kills.
s1taz4a3l's comments