Havent seen the movie, but when i heard about the cats having visual buttholes (then removed), it reminded me of bobs burger when gayle put her cats (butthole) paintings at bob´s and teddy said they followed him like the monalisa eyes.
This ad was pitched by Jerry from rick and morty and because we live in a simulation it got greenlit. Rest assured in the real world this ad would have never been made.
Best cover up story of the year, the moment they found out 60 minutes had a whistleblower, outage occurs... 6 hours to destroy all the damaging evidence from the leak story.
If i have a win 10 pro will the upgrade make it to win 11 pro or they will take my win 10 pro license away and then force me to pay 99 bucks to get a win 11 pro license?
SO from a 100 million lawsuit she got a 20 mill lump sum and another 20 TBD... i guess disney HAS the best lawyers on the planet. Not to mention that Disney kept on business as usual and Scarlett had to release a statement saying she was happy-happy joy-joy with how it was resolved...
I wonder if one of the conditions to accept the settlement was to have her char be brought back to life.
And to think she claimed to have lost 60 million on box office tickets -__-
Am guessing publicly endorsing/defending woody allen as your favorite director to work with doesnt leave her with that many studio choices left.
All this would solve itself it we all had those dreadlocks like on avatar, then it would morph into watever port was needed and we would recharge devices with our soul.
@esqueejy: Seeing as they expanded with a vessemir movie, my guess is the next witcher will be about him. Since a lot of important things happened when he was younger.
I liked lambert view of the world but the ending left him either dead or with keira.
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