@Barighm: Because crypto mining isnt illegal per se ( now more regulation has been poping up), so outfits mining buy everything then get back the costs with mining. They get busted most of time because of corruption associated with it, like taking advantage of public buildings and stealing thousands of dollars on electricity.
A while back on ukraine a PS mining operation got busted and the breakdown of the electric bill was $250k a month.
@agent_stroud: Thats probably the whole reason of the heist.
If this made the news outlets its probably 250-500k worth of cards. They will be able to mine tokens with each of them. Granted that evga are the lowest tier in terms of durability but they still are going to get their tokens worth before they brick.
@OdinXivraj: You can expect that sort of thing once the game release then blizzard will be fully absorbed and redundancies get created while also getting a name change with all the negative branding it has gotten lately much like facebook. Because even if they release D4 sooner than expected the bad rep that blizzard name has gotten will just hurt sales by association with all the lawsuits and misconduct.
I just hope they pick a new brand name better than FB.
@lonewolf1044: Yea, this is just a wake up call for investors that 2022 is going to see low returns. Since D4 and OW would add a permanent source of revenue in MTXs. On top of the shelf price.
It would have been pretty dumb not to have book two script ready. Otherwise the sequel will be rushed up and bland.
With only 1 year to shoot and post produce i dont think the end product will be good enough with the effects is going to need for part two. Unless the movie releases at the end of 2023. By then all the buzz will have died over with all the releases from disney burying Dune like a sandworm eating a harvester.
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