Yea... called it she was gonna get the boot once she started running her mouth. Star wars straight to tv movie more likely... WW3 tbd... maybe she will get an empty producing credit.
Hopefully that gwent workforce is there to produce another singleplayer game, i had a great time playing thronebreaker, money well spent and it had some replayability. If there is a new one in development should bump the difficulty, you steamrolled every fight making the puzzles the hardest battles.
I laughed during the larp bit. The rogers musical was funny too.
I thought wandavision was gonna suck too having seeing the first two episodes but it got better as it moved forward. This show has my attention too.
I think the reviewer is confusing hawkeye with greenarrow. He is the one making all funny jokes on the comics ( havent watched the CW thing). Two completely different characters.
Night mechanic was pretty bad on the first one, all the bonus and watever it said made it worthy, they werent. Soon as you were heard or spotted once then it was over unless you were camping near a safe house. With the hunters being superzombies but somehow hostile NPCs with machineguns could clear them all night long.
Played it on late 2019 so it had DLC and weapon packs which were nice and added flavor. Daytime was a great, except for the random runner infected that spawned sometimes next(behind) to you. Night time was meh.
They (MS) can do it but the reward is not worth it. Even if they do it and those game are added to game pass the % of folks actually playing them makes the task unrewarding.
s1taz4a3l's comments