Shields on their back are merely decorative it seems. PVP will suck massive ass with that kind of movement, might as well devote the game to a full PVE enviroment.
@texasgoldrush: You only buy it because you have such amount of surplus eddies that is a "what the hell purchase"..., i played most of the game with the 30 cred deck. And like i said that deck only help datamining. By the time you reach 49 cred you either completed the game or done most side quest activities so it offers no significant bonus, specially with how op contagion was.
I could clear whole rooms with a single contagion blip.
Because the incentive for street credit is not time worth it, for melee builds just the story street cred is enough to unlock the necessary mods, even maxed cred doesnt improve a quickhack build with the top tier decks. Since the bonus of top decks only help datapad hacking and only so so.
s1taz4a3l's comments