@krazeekhujo05: From what i played its more like division 2, which is a ton of fun.
Am sure once the initial problems are ironed out, people are going to have a blast.
It need optimization stat, using a stock 2080 at 1440 everything max, i need to call task manager so the game stop using GPU power once i quit the game, just call it not even close any process (WTF!).
Suffering the no HUD issue bug, interacting with E causes me to lose sound effects at least during the prologue which caused me to miss the cutscenes after cryo because i had no sound effect :/.
@ClunkerSlim: Since he was more specific now, it was probably the scene were tatum is chained like a dog sex slave, and since her character run off previously, the scene was probably they both were danny sex slaves dressed with little clothing. While he said lewd things about them.
How she was able to leave set without being held accountable.
He plays coy (townsend) but it was all about the money, he had a lot of projects opportunities back then, he even played lestat the vampire around that time. Something that was big at the time because of the books about that vampire. Should be honest and said that the lotr trilogy schedule that was back to back was too much for him.
Maybe he even left because he was bumped down to legolas and didnt like the part.
Viggo accepted the part for a fraction of the salary. Worked well for him in the end.
s1taz4a3l's comments