@xnshd: There is a reason the main threat on GoT were called "White Walkers" and not "Other ethnic group walkers". The White is the most evil force in the world.
With less than 1 rating point per season average, some druglord needs to clean some cash by keeping this turd alive. No other reason since its basically watched by nobody.
We all saw the creator has zero talent in writing something with his debut at raven quest, and he wanted 200 million to create the minecraft movie...
Anyone that watch it, what ads it shows during breaks? Beer, telemarketing, pharma?
@deviltaz35: You could buy a special currency that would let you unlock golden tier gear early on, some skins for crew/horse/ship. Also the xp booster. That currency could also be earned but at a much slower rate.
@altairdarius: Beard barbershop, a place in medieval europe were vikings and knights solved their differences non violently. While getting their beards dyed trough a special DLC sold apart from the season pass.
It will only help to reduce their CPU throttled loading times. The GPU architecture is already out and it barely approaches a 2070. So it doesnt matter that can load everything faster, it will just reach current PC loading times.
s1taz4a3l's comments