Not sure how i feel about the position of the figure holder. Kinda cringe that both are being grabbed by their crotches.
Guy keeps posting nonsense, we all know he will never finish the book and the publisher will finish it up once he died.
My pre order is waiting since last year Q_QThe rate the virus is moving they are going to be sick before september and the game will be pushed to the holidays.
Am guessing if Diesel replaced all his lines for "i am groot" on this movie it would be breaking box office records.Another nail on Diesel coffin, shoulda learn to be humble like dwayne johnson. There is a reason Dwayne is making 15+ mill per movie.
@gamerforlife96: My 2080 is 2 years old ( this year)-_- Disposable income FTW!!Wait till Nvidia releases their new flagships, ill sell you mine !! BRO DEAL!
Maybe they should just face the fact that star trek is not a franchise meant for movies, they should stay on TV and develop good content there.
s1taz4a3l's comments