@esqueejy: What character you build, it was all basic DnD premades, you could allocate points but it was just any class based on DnD 3.5.
Even your story was premade and dialog choices where open/locked on alignment. A paladin will still progress as paladin get the same perks at the same levels. And be locked out of dialogs due to alignment, nothing unique since it was based on the ruleset.
There was nothing unique about your BG character in fact most of the flavor from BG where the companions.
In the end you can always decide to not buy it, but i doubt you would be able not too since everyone will be playing it and you wouldnt want to be left behind.
@esqueejy: You could make your own guy in Divinity, just missed out some dialog interaction between NPC and quests. The issue you seem to have is that it used the Divinity engine and not the bioware engine from BG/icewind dale.
Bioware engine didnt age well. You could see it on POE character customization. It paid them off in the first POE due to nostalgia, by the time POE 2 released that nostalgia waned and it cost them dearly.
@Abdulrahman1981: They are, they are gambling on the next gen and they wont have to worry about downgrading the game for lesser products resulting in backlash like the witcher 3 faced at launch. Game looks amazing and WILL look amazing as result.
@mrdinghat: The problem is not US itself but most planes make stops adding risk to have someone sick with each layover. SO they might make it ok to the US, have a great time and get the virus on the way back and they wont find out till 2 weeks later or get sick and not being able to return because their own countries will deem them a risk.
Nothing about life leeching shield working as intended, my shield drops to zero for no reason then start regen again when i engage a pack with my mage from afar.
Also you cant leech shield while you are under the shield delay WTF is the point of shield leeching then.
@basketballfan: Nobody cares about that sitcom, its only on because its single camera, so it cost literally nothing to film. And the cast works for nothing as well. 15 years on and they get paid nada.
Seinfield, Friends, Big bang, they were racking 1 milion per episode each cast member. Those are shows that everybody talked about and regret when they went off the air.
They can go on for 20+ years and never make a dent into comedy sitcoms. When they go off the air only thing people will say " That show was still on?"
As if WB was going to gamble 150M on a guy who´s only experience was single camera comedy.
For somebody that claims to know the business, he should have known that greenlight for something directed by him was no go in the first place after the first year. He can add the bland reception that raven banquet got and forget about directing movies in general.
s1taz4a3l's comments