I guess google doesnt do background checks , if they did they would know that she is the one that released the turd AC revolution that got her fired from Ubisoft and single handedly killed visceral studios and the dead space franchise and at the same time destroyed the star wars game that got canned from the uncharted director that also got her fired from EA.
It only takes to 2 brain cells to see the pattern.
@lonewolf1044: From what i read this pass covers right up until march 20/2020. I find 40 bucks overkill. Wanted to buy it but at 100 bucks ( year one pass included) is overkill, am going to wait till they release the base game with year one content at the standard price edition.
At least i have a backlog of games but i had fun playing the beta PVE of division 2.
I really liked it how it tied everything up, why roland started picking up strays because wayne was his stray and it broke his heart when he got put down.
How wayne remembered when he was having the glass of water why he was there and decided to lay it to rest because he got his answer.
I enjoyed this season and am glad the shootout happened on the half season, that way it didnt took time from the narrative.
I tried the demo thinking it might have some similarities to warframe, it didnt, it was like destiny. Basically a reskinned destiny. From the disposable ad nauseum same enemies to the generic weapons.
Read some comments below and basically blaming the reviewer for choosing the average javelin for her subpar experience isnt her fault but the game itself.
He is going to chop up his hair just to play Idaho, i wonder if WB is going to allow it or we are going to end up with another superman mustache situation. Still that both gurney and idaho are cast is great news.
If the exploration of the world is as shallow as mad max, rage 2 will be a flop. Driving aside the side missions seemed very repetitive. Some are straight out of mad max like blowing barrels and who knows what else got recycled.
s1taz4a3l's comments