@proxima1025: His part would be short so i wouldnt worry about it, am wondering whos going to be duncan and gurney. And will they get screentime or just scrapped in exchange of CGI sandworms and sandstorms.
All these steam plebs crying " i no buy", lets face it as soon as this game launch on steam you are going to buy it whether from a key reseller or if its on sale. No point in raising fists and wincing eyebrows in a vague attempt to understand a business decision.
Just like you are going to buy RDR2 on PC when it launch regardless of the provider as long as you can play it on PC.
Its was a bad move from the devs to pull the game with little notice on steam but at the same time steam got paid so that they are crying foul means that they will try now to cover their bases by asking developers weeks in advance notices for games leaving steam or exclusivity for themselves, its going to hurt steam to admit they got outplayed and since all their revenue stream comes from the slice they got so used to receive for the past decade. Fighting Epic revenue margin against their playerbase, i dont see steam winning anytime soon even if they offer the best DL speed, its all about the money.
Will steam pull their pants down and do a margin cut to fight or just prepare for an attrition siege.
We just are going to have to wait and see the era of PC exclusives game services providers, so far this only benefit developers/publishers not the customers since we are going to pay full price regardless of the provider.
@nishanth12: Some of the fine print on the VIP beta was that you need EA access and/or origin to play the VIP. The beta on Feb is open to everyone with no restriction.
@pcps4xb: Just wait a little longer then, am sure the campaign will be released as F2p like they gave away the base game with no DLC for free on november. Campaign is very short, i dont think it will take more than 8-10 hours to complete it, might take less if you are on holiday and can commit hours to the game.
@pcps4xb: Its shallow, youll fight the same enemies over and over, the enemies wont even have mods like on borderlands or shadow warrior 2 that even tho the monster pool was limited, having elites with mods made combat variable. At least for me that isnt worth 30 bucks. And youll have to fork extra cash for the new content, forsaken is content from last year and all the videos being posted here are from the new content.
Each of those games cost 50 bucks why not sell the card at 550 and kill nvidia in one hit. At 700 people would rather put 100 more and get a 2080 since the 2080 benchmarks are real. And it might cost less since nvidia is probably going to slash its price to kill amd bundle.
Damn i was hoping they left lobster johnson out, not that they hire a guy that is pushing 60 going to play him.
I completely mistake his name for the actor that played Rorschach on watchmen....
Damyo scar looks such a joke, in the comics is much more gored like a monster actually slashed his face and he lived to tell the tale, this looks like he didnt take no for an answer from his date.
s1taz4a3l's comments