@dev-raid1: Same way as Captain Marvel (Shazam!) isnt a grown up but a 10 year old in a grown body with godlike powers which based on how he delivered his jokes on Chuck will do great here.
@effinjay: Look at Henry Cavill Superman body, beside production wont start until next year, plenty of time for him to get buffed up, not obscenely like the actor of Thor from the first Thor.
@hammer_throw: If the game is well optimized, nothing happens, it resets back to the last working resolution if its not then you get a black screen and you gotta fiddle around trying to find the option.ini file to set a working resolution all the way up to uninstall the game with revo just so you can delete the reg keys that might hold the resolution info.
This is all speculation, Affleck is signed for The Batman (1) and both Justice League, so we can expect to see him for at least 3-4 more years, not to mention that IF Justice League does good box office wise and people react good to his part, recasting would be pointless. I wonder if they are going for Grayson Batman or Carrie Kelley as replacement.
Was just reading the emails and deposition from the lawsuit that got released today and gale anne hurd was named several times as really incompetent, wouldnt be surprising if she is given a permanent time out from the show because of this.
@RabidBurp: It brought closure to the person that took upon himself to be Jigsaw and only because he decided to be judge and executioner of the wrong person, but it clearly left open a path for a new one.
It will be a short lived victory, OpenIV developers have no way to prevent tampering by third parties and a simple disclaimer wont save them from another cease and desist once third parties start bypassing the online protections and people can still run online content on single player ( which they are already doing anyway).
My guess is that Take 2 is taking its time to word better the injunction to avoid any sort fight back once they serve them again with the cease and desist.
s1taz4a3l's comments