As long as they kill Harrison on this one it will all work fine to introduce a new lead, i mean Tom Cruise broke 3 ribs doing a simple stunt a 30-40 year old can do laughing, we can expect harrison to possibly die while shooting this one since Indiana is all about impossible odds.
@lodoss900: You need to take into account the actor salary, i believe Ryan Gosling got about 10 million and Jared leto was close to 5 million i doubt Edward james olmos would agree to be in it for less than 1 million same as harrison ford, he prob got 5 million for sure, you have 20 mill right there and you can keep adding for the rest of the cast/director/producers/stuntman( just look at the credits, every person you can read is added to the budget) then you got production cost because of all costumes/scenery, then worldwide advertisements and i dont know how the crew member that got crushed between stages got settled.
And yes some consultants and the like to avoid having to draft them contracts to keep them insured are paid not by the minute but by very expensive hours.
@lodoss900: Production value, you saw the Las Vegas, the junkyard, even the prologue with Bautista for example, all the scenery was designed and by the way light bent they used little to no green screen except the flight parts.
Money well spent IMO , frankly i didnt even felt the time went by since it was so well structured and well acted.
The only redundancy was having Harrison Ford, i have nothing against him but by giving him screen time they forgo allowing Freysa to explain better how the replicants decided to unite under a single banner. Not giving spoilers but the explanation she gives it was only a filler to make sense of joe unite goals with her.
Well, am glad that washed up has been cokehead didnt have any input or leverage on Disney vision of SW, just do as you are told and get paid. I really like the new direction of SW, Disney must have planned this even before they make the offer to George Lucas to buy the rights. The good news is that the success from this one increases the chances for Disney to greenlit the Bobba Feet movie regardless of the success of Solo.
@lion2447: Average Joe´s keep thinking that people that have mining operations use the same electrical grid as them, they use diesel generators that are cheaper and reliable since most of the mining sites themselves are on third world countries where diesel can be bought in the black market for a fraction. In fact now with the massive improvement on solar panels mining will make a slow and steady shift to solar.
All the people saying its going to burst are government officials that need to keep saying that scripted response because with bitcoin you dont pay a single cent on taxes to anyone, you make 50 million in a day, they are your 50 million, they cant be seized or taxed and you dont have to declare them either unlike gambling profits.
Well, thats what they get for putting a 60 year old 90% of the screen time as a lead just because he tested well with female demos.
And what a joke Jeckyll/Hyde were, i mean WTH russel crowe transform into a cockney..... if he doesnt take his medicine. It should be the other way around LOL.
@Terminator95: Nope.. Doctor Destiny comes to save him, or the rest of the Marvel (Shazam!) family. Superman doesnt intervene on his business since Black Adam powers are magical and Superman abilities can be countered by magic. Also Superman will be a cameo on JL until his own Man of steel 2 when he gains back full power-
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