@Thanatos2k: Thats just your A/V interfering with the client, i been using webroot for almost 10 years and at the same time used the clients for games like neverwinter online, the ddo, lotro client and many others and experienced zero problems going from win xp to win7 to win 10 and yes... it took me sleeping dogs 2 to upgrade to win 7.... had to upgrade to 10 because skylake 8th wouldnt take win 7 lol
Steam is terrible for patching games , shame they have a monopoly so they can force developers to accept their terms or risk oblivion, i would gladly uninstall steam if dota wasnt soulbound to it. Achievement seeking manchilds are going to go mental with this move.
I have the bethesda client since launch havent experienced a single issue.
I dont watch the show but thats just a kryptonian armor or at least some pieces, guess the full set would cover her female curves causing massive outrage from femen and fans.
Am guessing disney got tired of him and paid someone to dig dirt on him now they can fire him and get total creative control of the guardians franchise, they where pretty harmless tweets, 10 years ago people could say that and depending on the context it woulda been funny.
Watched a Terry Crews interview the other day and he recalled that when he shot Next friday and his character assaulted the pimp in the bathroom, nowadays that scene alone would have been enough for the movie go straight to video.
If the game used Rust as a template with a sprinkle of PUBG and now that Fortnite ate pugb alive the game is bound to being mediocre with MTXs relying only on the brand name to carry it on *cough HoTS cough*
s1taz4a3l's comments