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I dont know, a lot of hate going to Disney but its James Gunn silence the thing that puzzle me most, specially after his photo from a party where he was disguised as a molester.

Am guessing Disney/Marvel have solid dirt on him once they started investigating hence why he didnt fight back or even said anything to defend himself other than the usual staged PR statement once the tweets where uncovered.

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Edited By s1taz4a3l

Pre ordering has gone out of control, most of those bonuses can be unlocked by just fiddling with the game files because they are already on the base game. Or you can get the files elsewhere and just add them to the main game. For example the last 2 arkham games had several pre order editions each with its own set of bat suits, all those suits you could unlock them by just changing a single file in the game.

Pre order to play the beta is the biggest trap of all.

On top of paying full price just to play the beta you get no guarantee your feedback will make any difference on the final product whether you focused on finding bugs or QoL. Take a look at Warhammer 40k Martyr, that game had a lot of beta testers, it received tons of feedback regarding mechanics, bugs, direction the game was headed and a small fraction of that feedback was acknowledged resulting in a game that was dead at launch and they sold some crazy overpriced pre order editions.

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Edited By s1taz4a3l

Lol console plebs where baited with the PC version of spider man, maybe all the plebs think developers use PS4 OS to create games....

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I held back at playing Dead Cell during early access and tbh i was disappointed, it has a handful of metroidvania elements, getting the runes to ram or climb opens literally nothing, at most youll access a vendor or such. Few stages, boring bosses and a scroll system that punish your runs for trying anything other than the hidden meta.

Hollow knight is a masterpiece.

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@Pyrosa: Youll prob be showered on XP, that way you out lv zones fast enough to not cause grief to new players by farming mats or creatures on low lv zones and he said that you can basically lv up with no limit only thing thats capped is the stat gain that will stop at 50. And the video said that there are XP perks so LV can be even quicker.

But am pretty sure once you reach a certain lv youll be forced to hang around Free for All areas to put a curb to infinite xp gain.

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@pongman75: Their revenue has been shrinking yearly, why do you think they fired HS director, because they are "fine" as you say? All the people that helped create the diablo universe left blizzard already or where put on menial jobs and quit but according to you they are fine, there was a time when blizzard name had resonance now they are on the fast track to become Biowares Ea´s.

They need a massive homerun which i doubt they´ll manage to pull.

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Edited By s1taz4a3l

A diablo mobile is more than likely followed by probably some ccg diablo themed or those asian conquest games RRRR where you just hit auto like lineage mobile and it fights for you.

Since Blizzard has no way to take the diablo franchise out of the sewer with Diablo 3 other than do a full reboot, the Path of Exile shadow will be always hovering over any ARPG, why would they even invest money in diablo? Arent they losing money monthly by keeping Hots alive, even heartstone has barely any relevance other than the paid articles they commission and then copy paste on gamesites.

Better they stick to keep using CPR on WoW to pump some cash, we already saw the joke overwatch league is , at least the people that invested there had money to waste and learn from it.

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@wowgrandpa: It doesnt work, my pc woulndt even boot up with the mobo + cpu and sorry it was coffe lake ( 8700k) not skylake back when it launched. But have been using win 10 since then and it works just like i wanted it, now you can have an official dark theme on win10 that was enabled a few builds back that works amazing, now if only firefox gave the tools to the person that kept the mod ft dark alive to bring it to the latest ff.

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Edited By s1taz4a3l

How is she going to fill her batwoman suit, she is barely skin and bones and she show it all on netflix.


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