Will they use real people moderating or their usual cloud word pattern to mute players?
Watching how users can turn on to developers by following martyr on steam is a good example on how a loyal playerbase can become a lynching mob once the released product is nowhere near the roadmap previously shown by the developers. And am sure it can be pretty stressful for developers to read the stream of negativity regardless of the response they give.
I dont think the decision to lay off people like that was taken overnight, tell tale as we know it will just cease to be, the IPs will be absorbed by " the potential partners". They will have the paperwork shown that it was a business closure saving them the lawsuit and at the same time allowing them to unload whatever IP they wanted to whomever they wanted it.
Just business, sad that people is only seen as workforce in plural, rather than individuals that have families and obligations.
Maybe its going to be like the old dragon lair games, youll choose a path and thats it, one path for success 3 for failure, start over if you fail once, complete the whole game in an hour failure free.
@Gallesh: He cant fight humanoid enemies because that would kill DMC launch on China, they have a thing about killing humans there on videogames, one thing that can be said is length, it took 20 mins to pass stage 15 which am guessing is closer to the end, granted dante was maxed based on all the souls he had but still felt short, people that goes full no lifer will finish it in about a day on launch day.
@nefphlegm: I think the girl shown on the intro is some sort of inventor/tinker and she craft it for dante just like she craft nero´s arm as well, youll probably unlock it trough progression.
This backfired for WB, they thought Cavill was bluffing about not re upping his contract unless changes where made, now they are supermanless with no way to save DCU because Cavill was the right fit for WW/Superman romance. He was also the right height to play side by side with Shazam!/ Black Adam. Not even flashpoint will save WB from imploding now.
Darkseid won.
They are going to do everything now to try to burn him for the other studios.
@CrouchingWeasel: My best guess is that they are going to do the arc about the king daughter that becomes a harpy, since that story has a twist to it and it can enthrall people while they add a subplot like introducing yennefer, tris, zoltan and hopefully dandelion doing the intros of every episode.
I found Jack Ryan okeish, the character of abbie cornish redundant same as the " love scenes" the show could do without, besides some plot holes and the ability of bending time like Rick, at least it got picked up for season 2.
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