@Deadly_Nemesis @Prats1993 I don't really think you can call it stealth if you are not punished for being seen. Sure, the enemies try to kill you, but at the same time you are given more than enough cover/weapons/means to deal with that situation as well... That's not a stealth game if you ask me. But that is just my opinion. And just to calrify, it is not the same as saying I didn't like the games.
@DanteDylan I don't know if you are being serious or not but I'm guessing you are. I actually think it is a sequal to Conviction. Sam saved the day in Conviction and is now back with NSA, but the new branch Fourth Echelon (Third Echelon in the other games). But now he is the main man, the boss, mr bigshot who answers only to the president (the women that was in Conviction as well). Yeah, they changed his looks and made him look younger, but I can't see what's the big deal with that. James Bond went from semi-young to old, back down to semi-young again, looking like a douchebag, over to a series of normal Bond again and now a roid-money with no toys, and it worked for that series.
@zequex Yeah, but you've tried it. A lot of people havn't spent enough tiome with it to get used to it. But yeah it does sound a bit strange. I just ordered a computer for my brothers and it came with windows 8. It's not like I went "Windows 8? **** that, they aint getting a computer!" More like, "Windows 8? Oh well, I'll just install Windows 7 on it when it's here".
@Mega_Loser @s2i2p2i2o Soo what you're saying is that as soon a a person dies we should forgive them everything they've done and never mention the bad things ever again ?
@Twin-Blade Why? I never got that "respect for the dead"- thing. Michael Jacksson alive = pedophile. Michael Jacksson dead = saint! I know you didn't talk about Michael Jackson, but that was the best example I could think of atm.
@mellow09 So true. You'd be surprised how many morons came to the Gamestop where my friend works and asked for GTA I ("eye") V (vee) (i.e pronounced the name of the letters instead of saying 4).
@emperiox @boags24 What? Splinter Cell has always (besides Conviction) been about pussying trough the lvl unseen. Have you even played the other games?
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