It seems Ubi reps have been projecting their own successes/models to the entire industry recently. "Only room for a few AAA games a year in the industry" -> "we do AC and Rayman once a year". "No room for B games" -> "we get most of our money from AC and Rayman"
Would Donnie's tall skinny ass even be able to support that giant heavy shell? Glad I don't buy Activision games, saves me money not buying this. ...but I do love the Turtles. =\
Blizzard has DRM, microtransactions, recycled uninnovative games, and now a F2P game and they get praised. EA does the same and they get voted worst consumer company in America. I love gamers!
Like others, I'm a bit reluctant about the change of dev teams. Especially when the director was the director of games I didn't care for. I have no doubt the same gameplay will still be there, but presentation, storytelling, etc I'm wondering about...
@vasilymk just let her live in her own world. It's a futile effort to try to convince someone so young yet so headstrong that what they believe may not be the most viable way to think. Hopefully in as an adult she'll be able to see the error of her ways.
Even though I disagree w/ 99% of what she says, I at least respect her for sticking up for what she believes so vehemently. In fact, I'm starting to like her now... =D
@apollo333 I don't think so, they aren't a consumer company I guess - more focused on engineering and private products. I'd say PETA should "win" this award too, but they aren't a consumer company either.
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